Are the WOKS controlled by language?

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Are our ways of knowing controlled by language? Are ways of knowing controlled by language? If yes, then language either controls it because all knowledge is communicated in language and there is some form of knowledge that cannot be transmitted so. Or that the structure of language restricts thought, which is part of the process of acquiring knowledge, and therefore knowledge.Language is syntax (used in this manner meaning representation of meaning), while the meaning it conveys is semantics. Communication is first done by encoding meaning in syntax, and then interpreting it again back into meaning. Thus language is the medium of communication. But can everything be expressed in language? If it can, then there would be no loss in the fidelity of information as it gets transmitted from one human to another. There would be no misunderstanding. But if it cannot, then we have a problem with using language as a means of communication.Let’s take a simplified analogy of our relation with language. Data formats in computers. In computers, information is represented as data encoded in specific formats. Software must be able to understand the format in order to process it. Therefore there are standards that govern the format in which data is represented. Most of the documents on the web, for example, are encoded in HTML. Since it is standardized, web browsers merely have to conform to the standard in order to process the document as display it on your screen. In this way, we can have Apple’s Macintosh’s Safari browser, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox in Linux all being able to process and display HTML pages on the web.It is about the same with language. A language is a standard in that it has certain words that mean certain things, and its grammatical structure that strings words together into more complex sentences. However, language is not a syntax that is purposefully created whole then agreed upon. It is something dynamic that is part of culture. Language grows. People invent certain words and ways of stringing them together, and they use these languages with some people. The language spreads, undergoes changes, and encounters other languages. Therefore we have a problem in that the syntax of language is not certain to be definite or immutable. An example would be old texts, where even though the same word might be used, the meaning of it as the writer intended, or people of their time interpreted may be different.Another problem is that since humans invent language, would language be appropriate for areas of knowledge which concepts are not human? Science would be an example. Is
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language restricting the expression of scientific concepts?Knowledge has logical components too. For example, merely knowing both “she kicked him” and “he cried” is not what we would consider complete knowledge of those events. Knowledge of those events implies knowledge of their relation of each to the other. We only say we know, when we say “she kicked him, therefore he cried”, or “he cried because she kicked him”.The logical components are expressed in the structure of language, which is grammar. The question here is if grammar is restricting the possible logical concepts that can be expressed in language, therefore limiting ...

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