This example suggests that what our culture teaches us we start following the same. Culture is therefore influencing our knowledge.
The way through which we convey our knowledge that is our Language is too influenced by our culture. This cultural impact cannot be ignored, as almost all pieces of information have to be conveyed through our language. Let us try to think what piece of knowledge can be gained without the use of language. Ancient people have left history for us in written matter, which is too a part of language and hence of CULTURE. However if we go in deep of the information provided by them, we will find that it is not only in written matter but also in visual forms that is no-way related to language. Although, are we fully sure that ancient people had not alter their visual proof of happened events? Food for thought!
Moreover, if we have strong belief in some knowledge and we THINK that the knowledge we are bearing is 100 percent truth, then we will continue any argument that is proving our knowledge wrong and in addition, we will find even stupid Reasons to support our argument. So here too, our biased knowledge (which is another form of cultural impact) is attacking another way of knowing. Culture transforms our thinking way and ultimately our views. The path we choose to look into any matter to gain knowledge, if is culturally influenced, then our gained piece of knowledge will be biased.
We acquire knowledge through sense perception and emotional reactions too. Are these or can these too be culturally biased? No, the answer is no. For example, we can acquire knowledge about someone’s nature or mood, if we study their facial expression and we know that this is far and far away from what is so called as culture. These are biological responses to our stimuli and so are independent of culture.
If our ways of knowing are targets of culture, can our areas of knowledge remain prevented? Let us take example from History. It is a truth about History that history change with the change of country or region. European people will have their own past defining their leaders, their people, as best and strongest one while Africans will insist that they are the best as their history depicts better of them. However, is history is always so biased that we cannot believe on? Not all parts of history can be stated as falsifying us, but we need to be assured that the matter that is presented is properly checked and verified.
Bringing out your thoughts and ideas through the most prominent way according to me is the Arts. Although culture, has its own empire in this field too. Most dancers prefer to dance the styles of their own country, of their own culture. Even music of India is lot different from those of UK or US. A study by me on the cultural impact on the paintings of famous artists suggests the same impact and all these ultimately hamper our knowledge. Almost all categories of art field have a cultural touch that can never be ignored.
Have you ever faced an argument in which one says that he is finding a situation Ethically good and the other disagrees? The most common answer is yes! Let us take an example of one business following the policy of profit maximization instead of giving value to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), and on the other hand, another one giving more priority to CSR. If the latter is asked to contribute, as its responsibility to the society, the business will give some part but that too will be minimum possible and will consider it enough whilst the other one will contribute to maximum possibility. Here our business culture and nature is having a strong influence on our ethical views and hence disturbing our great area of knowledge.
Is that it? No, it is not ended yet. If most areas of knowledge are influenced by culture, is it necessary for others are too? I meant by the most prominent areas of knowing, according to me, that is Mathematics and Sciences. Mathematics and Sciences have their own proven methods that cannot be influenced by any ‘External’ terms, so culture here too has no chance to distract the Mathematical and scientific theories and calculations. Taking an example – while solving a particular, mathematical problem an American would get the same answer as an Indian, I would get and the reason behind that is mathematics is universally accepted bearer of laws, theories, axioms, etc. that are required to solve any given problem related to quantity, shape and arrangement. In my opinion, mathematics and sciences have their own ability and do not rely on any external terms, so to think any possibility in which these are hanging under culture is a waste of time!
Our conclusion is more like in favor of the topic. Yes, our knowledge and beliefs can be independent of our culture; in addition, we must not depend on our culture to provide us with knowledge, as it is not a reliable source and each piece of information through the path of culture must be properly checked and verified before claiming it to be reliable.
“Thank you”
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