Describe the development of a scientific theory, highlighting the process involved. Differentiate between a scientific question and a non-scientific question.

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P1 – Describe the development of a scientific theory, highlighting the process involved.

A theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena.

A hypotheses it is an educated guess based on observation. It is rational explanation of a single event or phenomenon based upon what is observed, but which has not been proved. It can be supported or refuted by experimentation or continued observation.

Hypotheses become a theory once they have been verified and accepted to be true, A theory is an explanation of a set of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times.

A scientific law must be simple, true, universal and absolute. It is meant to describe an action or set of actions, they do not need any complex external proofs they are accepted at face value based upon the fact that they have always been observed to be true.

The development of a simple theory by the scientific method starts with an observation that evokes a question. Second using logical and previous knowledge, state a possible answer, called hypotheses then perform an experiment or test, after that publish the findings in a peer-reviewed journal then verification, other scientist read about the experiment and try to duplicate, in time and if experiments continue to support the hypotheses it becomes a theory.

The theory of evolution

The world had changed over time and all the living things on it changed as well in order to survive, otherwise they would have died out as condition changed. The theory of evolution states that life must have involved from earlier forms.

A long time ago people were trying to come out with a theory that makes sense about, how life begin,who created the world and where the animals and man comes from, the first answers were based in supernatural and religious explanations. Many revolutionary thinkers came out with ideas about evolution such as George-Louis Leclerc ( 1707 – 1788), Erasmus Darwin ( 1731 – 1802), Jean Batiste Lamarck ( 1744 – 1829), Robert Chambers ( 1802 – 1871) but their theories was published without evidences and in a time that people did not know much about science, so the public did not took it seriously but was

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Charles Darwin brought something new to the theory of evolution, a mechanism called natural selection.

He noticed the competition between the species happens due to each specie produce more offspring than can survive in a given environment, therefore the amount of food available it is not enough for all the members of the specie, so the ones that have any advantage over other members like the strongest fit member will be more likely to beat the others members, survive and reproduce, passing his characteristics to their offspring. The member of the specie that does not have any advantage will probably ...

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