How can the different ways of knowing help us to distinguish between something that is true and something that is believed to be true?

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TOK Essay

Word count: 1,407

By Romana Ating’a

How can the different ways of knowing help us to distinguish between something that is true and something that is believed to be true?

         Reason, emotion, language and sense perception are ways of knowing, each of these ways of knowing gives us an idea of what is true and what is believed to be true. Each is different from the next but they all play a role in what is true and what is believed to be true. In order to understand this question fully it should be broken down to its core. The word ‘belief’ is used to describe something that an individual holds to be true and the word ‘true’ is used to describe a fact that is known universally and can be proven. I have come to the understanding believe that through the different ways of knowing we are able to distinguish between something that is true and something that is believed to be true. This essay will explore how the different ways of knowing and areas of knowledge such as; natural sciences, helps us in distinguishing the differences.

As human beings reasoning comes to us naturally its part of the way in which we think. But how can reasoning be used to justify a knowledge claim? Reasoning mainly uses logic and deduction to confirm the truth. Deduction reasoning is where one move from the general conclusion to the set of specific facts and induction reasoning is where one moves from a set of specific facts to the general conclusion. Only a small amount of reasoning is done using induction reasoning this is because it only can only relates truth which has already be proven through branches of learning such as science, math and logic. For example in chemistry we have the Charles law which is a universal accepted theory and through the use of the scientific method in our chemistry class, we have been able to prove that this law is indeed true. However in reasoning one has to consider the implication that logical fallacies influence the way we reason. Inductive reasoning often leads to hasty generalizations and confirmation bias, where one remembers only what they want to remember. As human beings we tend to follow the fallacy Ag ignorantiam whereby we claim that something is true because it cannot be proven to be false. This then limits our ability to distinguish the truth from the believed truth.

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Emotions are formed due to the world’s impact on us; they tend to shape both our mental and social lives. They are expressions of how we feel as individuals and are very powerful element that affect the way we view things around us. Therefore how reliable is emotion in justifying whether something is true or not?   With emotion we tend to believe what pleases us and what sounds good to us this tends to form what we believe to be true. For example when I was a child I would feel happy when I saw superheroes such as ...

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