How do the 4 WOKS interact to give a picture of a reality?

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  An apple once reportedly fell on a man’s head, who then drowned into contemplation on seeing an apple falling down from off the tree. This man is the noted physicist, mathematician and philosopher Sir Isaac Newton. The sensory perception, led to reasoning and then a drive in pursuit of the quest for an answer, and the discovery of gravity.   This accomplishment would obviously be incomplete without the role of written and spoken language, to both obtain and share the knowledge in the world, through relevant justification.

  Thus we see the integration of the four ways of knowing; language, reason, emotion and perception, to attain knowledge. Our experience, sensory perceptions and teachings aid us to discover what the world is all about. The pursuit for reality is ever-lasting. Reality is the truth that exists as it is. It is certainty, a true justified belief. Justification can be attained through the four ways of knowing, and therefore form an important basis to see reality. In fact, through every moment of our lives we are utilizing these ways of knowing to give us a picture of the reality. We use observation and reason not only in areas of science, but also in other AoKs like history and ethics while language is used to note observation and also discuss them with others. We can distinguish an atrocious act such as the raid in a Manglore pub against women with the help of reasoning and perception. Emotion further aggravates disgust against such acts, and language helps communicate through media, and garner awareness. In love, emotion plays a very important role but there is also a reason for this power of emotion. The reason could be blood relations, beauty or compatibility that arouses the passion.  For poets and writers, perception is vital. Experiencing a character’s life and feeling their emotions is the ingredient. Language assists them in writing the desired. There is always an interaction between the varied ways of knowing as one performs any function.

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  Language is the mode of communication, interaction and expression. It may be written, verbal or body language. We think i.e. reason, perceive and emote through language. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests our thoughts are limited by language. I agree. We feel angry, because we know what anger is like. Language forms the base for all the other ways of knowing, for without language communication is impossible, thinking is without linearity and emotions will have no expression. One kisses to express love, this is language used to emote. Thus we can be said to perceive, emote and reason in a language. ...

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