In what way does the problem of evil lead to atheism?

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Leatitia Teboh        22.01.2012

IB Student

In what way does the problem of evil lead to atheism?


Leatitia Teboh


Word Count 3880

Content Page



What is evil and suffering.................................................................................5-7

Is there a God or Not.......................................................................................7-9

The philosophical and theological problem of evil and suffering...................9-10

God is not perfectly Good.............................................................................10-11

God is not all-powerful.................................................................................11-12

God is not all loving............................................................................................12

Evil is a punishment...........................................................................................13

Evil is a test...................................................................................................13-14

Evil is inevitable..................................................................................................14

Evil allows God’s love to be displayed..........................................................14-15




The Christian tradition is founded upon the belief that there exists a supernatural personal being who is the ultimate creator and to which all other beings owe their existence. Three major characteristics are endorsed to this being God, that of being omnibenevolent, omnipotent and omniscient. I intend to show that the existence of evil in the world today gives an adequate validation for the non-existence of God. I will argue that a wholly good, wholly powerful and all knowing, God can co-exist with Evil and because of that it influences people to become atheist. This mean that, as a consequence, I will argue that a Omnibenevolent, Omnipotent and Omniscient God exists, but because of the evil around us people ask question; if God is all ‘omnibenevolent’, ‘omnipotent’ and ‘omniscient’, why is he not able to stop all the evil and sufferings in the world because if he can’t do it then that means there is no God; so because of that they turn to become atheist.  

The Problem of evil is usually seen as the problem of how the existence of God can be reconciled with the existence of evil in the world. It’s regarded as a logical problem, because it is based on the apparent contradiction involved in holding onto three incompatible beliefs. The fact that evil exists in the world constitutes the most common objection to the belief in the existence of God of Classical Theism. Classical Theism is the traditional understanding of God as worshipped by Christians, Jews and Muslims. Therefore the problem of evil is only a problem for followers of a theistic religion because then it gets some of the followers of theism asking the same questions such as “if there is actual a God out there and if there is why does he let us suffer and why does evil exist?”                                Word Count 300

In what way does the problem of evil lead to Atheism?


There are many philosophical and religious problems about ‘God’ which arise from the misunderstandings about exactly what the word is taken to mean! But the main question is ‘Who is God and does God really exist and if yes why is there evil and suffering in the world today?’ Richard Swinburne tried to offer a definition of God as “a person, without a body (i.e. a spirit), present everywhere, the creator and sustainer of the universe, a free agent, able to do everything (i.e. omnipotent), knowing all things, perfectly good, a source of moral obligation, immutable, eternal, a necessary being, holy and worthy of worship”.  In traditional theism, God is said to be the creator of the world, and to have created the world from nothing; this means that God isn’t just an external force that started working with matter or probably decided to animate something that was already in existence.

From the words of Mel Thomson, it means that God “God is the absolute origin of everything... everything that comes into existence does act as creativity of God... everything is alive with his life”. In this essay I will be focusing on evil which leads to my main question ‘In what way does the problem of evil lead to atheism?’ I shall be looking at philosophical and moral justifications of evil. I made a research questionnaire which will help me justify the moral view of what an atheist, theist and agnostic’s believer will say from their own point of view if beyond doubt the problem of evil is actually what leads to atheism. I will be looking at both the arguments for and against the fact that the problem of evil leads or does not lead to atheism. At the end I shall provide  a conclusion based on analysing the outcome of my questionnaires; also giving my own point of view, by summing up everything so as to come to a tangible conclusion to my research question ‘In what ways does the problem of evil lead to atheism’.

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What is Evil and suffering?

Evil and suffering can be defined in so many ways by different people because it is a broad question which everyone has their own perception on. But as defined by John Hick in ‘Philosophy of Religion’ (1990), he says “Evil and suffering are physical pain, mental suffering and moral wickedness. The last is one of the causes of the first two, for an enormous amount of human pain arises from people’s inhumanity. This pain includes such major scourges as poverty, oppression and persecution, war and all the injustice, indignity and inequalities that have occurred throughout history”. 


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