Knowledge is generated through the interaction of critical and creative thinking. Evaluate this statement in two areas of knowledge.

Knowledge is generated through the interaction of critical and creative thinking. Evaluate this statement in two areas of knowledge.
At school, as IB learners, we strive to be critical thinkers when we generate knowledge through the information we receive. However, we are rarely encouraged to be creative thinkers when we justify areas of knowledge such as the human and natural sciences, ethics, mathematics, and history. There seems to be a primary conception that critical thinking may be more favorable in attaining knowledge compared to critical thinking. There are several knowledge issues that are imbedded in this prompt, concerning the process of generating knowledge: Is critical thinking much more favorable in obtaining knowledge in areas of knowledge such as the natural sciences and arts? Are we biased towards critical thinking? What sorts of knowledge are generated from critical thinking alone? Vice versa? Are there times when creative thinking and critical thinking is necessary when assessing knowledge? Is our search of knowledge generated or hindered through the ‘working together’ of critical and creative thinking? Are there any areas of knowledge in which creative and critical thinking is used? The perspective and approach of this essay will consider natural sciences and arts as the two areas of knowledge in evaluating the interaction of critical and creative thinking throughout our search for knowledge.
In order to address the ambiguities that may be present through individual definitions of these words, I will designate my own definition of the terms. Critical thinking, is a way of thinking that evaluates the validity of assumptions, willingness to open itself to alternate possibilities, and addresses uncertainties that may be present in the results. Creative thinking, on the other hand, is the process of generating new ideas that have not been thought of before or translating a message in a new way that no one has seen before. The difference between the two terms, critical and creative thinking could be that critical thinking deals with processing information that is given from a different point of view while creative thinking generates new information from thinking creatively. In another sense, creative thinking comes up with new ideas often through “taking-risks”, whereas, critical thinking can evaluate these new ideas and justify its validity through assessment, synthesis, analyses, and evaluation. Similarly, in Paul and Elder (2006) “The Nature of Critical and Creative Thought” it states: “Creativity masters a process of making or producing, criticality a process of assessing or judging.”