How do we know when we have found the truth, how do we know we have actually found the truth?

Seeking the truth is an aspect of life that humanity has always sought for. There are many debates on what is the actual truth where to find the real truth and if the truth really exists. The truth is an element of life that will always vary depending on source from which it is told from. That is why there is no reliable truth for anything. The Greek philosopher Socrates made a wise observation when he said, "all I know is I know nothing". For this is the only thing in life we can as human being be sure of because everything in life has a degree of skepticism. Therefore we know when we have found the truth because we believe it, and we never know whether we have actually found it.

Human beings have developed a formula to define and categorize elements of our everyday life as knowledge. This formula sets a parameter to what would be considered knowledge and what may not. This formula is abstract in the minds of all human beings. It has been engraved in humanity from generations back. Humans are talking this method of considering knowledge everywhere in daily life. In schools, at home, at church, with friends, all of the time these regulations to defining the truth are present. For example in church, through religion we are taught the different between good and evil. This is similar to what is taught as school during math class, an answer is either right or wrong. These statements are backed up with arguments and reasons that make the statement reliable. What is not told is that the arguments backing up these statements are also created by humans. Therefore they cannot be reliable, yet this is the way we intake knowledge. It is the same for everything; knowledge is learned under a set of parameters, founded different institution in society. Now, back to the original question, in order to know all of the things that we are taught we need to know how to know. Just like the previously mentioned institution that creates parameters for what is right or wrong, for knowledge there are also parameters. In theory of knowledge class we are introduced to this formula of knowledge through a diagram. The traditional TOK diagram teaches that there are different areas of knowledge where we "inherit" knowledge from. These are taught through education as well as through everyday life, they are, natural sciences, human sciences, history, mathematics, and ethics. They are what form the base of our society because all the knowledge of human intellect is found in each one of these branches. Now in order to attain the knowledge found in these branches, there are ways of knowing. This information is also found in the diagram. According to the diagram the ways human beings acquire knowledge is through emotion, reason, language, and sense perception.
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Although this information is given and it may appear as the "truth", the idea Socrates implemented through his observation needs to be considered. The diagram for example, this is not something we actually know. Just like all of the branches of knowledge stated in the diagram and the diagram itself, we cannot know for certain that this is true. We cannot know that everything taught in these branches are true because in order to "know" they are true we assume that the evidence indicating that they are true is real. Same as for the diagram, we take for ...

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