Clarence Stephen

The Solution

        I have the solution!  I figured out how to cure the common cold, eliminate world hunger, attain world peace, end diseases, fix oil spills and the ozone layer, stop famines and droughts, and maybe even extend one’s life-span! I would show you the solution, but if you were holding it you would not even know it and if it were right in front of your eyes, you still would not have a clue. That is because the solution is about a millionth of a millimeter in size–the solution is nanotechnology. Nanomachines are the key too unlocking amazing solutions to problems and issues. One day we should be able to buy nanomachines for virtually any problem, and almost everything we use might be nanomachine produced. If all goes according to plan nanomachines are the future’s panacea.

        Nanotechnology is founded upon chemistry and biology and engineering but its applications lead it out to physics, ecology, genetics, and other scientific areas of study. Ideally nanotechnology aims to manipulate individual atoms as if they are building blocks–easily used, modified, and moved. In theory, through nanotechnology anything can be formed from "scratch."  DNA sequencing and encoding research aims to uncover how to program the resulting molecules to perform specific tasks. Another method is to build machines at the nano-level comprised of nano-pulleys, belts, gears, tubes, wires, etc. Seen below is a picture of nano-gears, formed using nature’s natural molecular arrangements. Such gears could be part of a larger machine; for example a nano-compiler that could break down molecules and then use the raw materials (elements) to assemble them into another molecule.

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assembler). These replicators would be programmed to build assemblers. A hundred trillion of these machines can fill an area smaller than a sugar cube–that is true efficiency and space saving.

        In theory, eventually, we will be able to replicate anything, including diamonds, water and food. Machines that fabricate foods to feed the hungry could eradicate famine. The common cold would be eliminated with assassin nanomachines that work as anti-viruses–like specialized white-blood cells. The threat of mutually assured destruction through a nano-war would cause a stalemate end to war. Oil spills would be easily dispersed into simple elements by assemblers. The ...

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