Title 4: How can the different ways of knowing help us distinguish between something that is true and something that is believed to be true?

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Once said by Chief Seattle, a Suquamish chieftain, “There is no death. Only a change of worlds.” One might say that Chief Seattle’s words is interpreted as a person who does not die or passes on to a world after death, but, instead, that person’s life and environment assimilates to a world with different morals, histories and customs. The ways of knowing (reason, language, and emotion) helps us distinguish something that is true and something that is believed to be true by recognizing the different perspectives of the issue. With the discovery of the Americas, there was conflicting societies with their own customs, principles, and views. The knowledge issue in question is the traditions of a culture, a group of people, change because of the pressure of new ideas, customs, of other exterior forces. By using reason, language, and emotion, we will differentiate what we know to be true and something believed to be true.

         Emotions are used to be a powerful role in shaping thoughts, influencing behavior, and steering the pursuit of knowledge. As emotions may be a key to self-understanding and to understanding the world, the degree which they supply to both can be investigated through a dialogue of questions like those that follow, probing the nature, significance, and restrictions of emotion as a way of knowing. Emotions can enable the knower to learn knowledge through his or her own personal feelings through persisting issues. I came to recognize a pressing matter that has stressed the culture of my people. As in many other cultures-past and present-ignorance of another’s culture has caused complicated conflicts that stress each culture.

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In the story of my people, the Navajo, there were many changes that occurred since the first interactions between the Navajo and the American settlers. Upon first contact, the two distinct groups had started exchanging ideas and custom to one another.

An example would be the sexual orientation of the two cultures. In American culture, the government allows its citizen to choose their own sexual orientation without the questioning the purpose of their actions.  Before the arrival of American settlers, the sexual orientation of the Navajo tribe has also been a heterosexual nature, due to morals and religion. After ...

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