To what extent can we rely on our sense perception to interpret knowledge through art?

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To what extent can we rely on our sense perception to interpret knowledge through art?

Art can tell us things that cannot be said in any other way. But is this knowledge? Well, in my opinion, I believe that art is a form to express the artist’s feeling whether its purpose was to be shared to others or not. It is a way of communicating and sharing one’s knowledge through their emotion. This form of expression is something only art can do as I believe that every individual has its own way of thinking and interpreting an object. This means that art can be summarized through language however, what one person views or reacts to an art form may be different of what another person feels towards it even though if explained in words, it will be known to be part of the same meaning. Basically art tells us something that could not be explained in words itself as it has more emotion than what we think it means literally. Art becomes knowledge after we are able to reflect the art we have perceived as some similar object that we can relate to or we know existed. This brings it to my main knowledge issue, ‘To what extent can we rely on our sense perception to interpret knowledge through art?’

In art, there can be many concepts and theories we can relate to. In this essay, I would be including Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. The Allegory of the cave is a theory by Plato where he believes that if a person is kept in a dark cave full of prisoners and only sees the shadows of the real objects for most of his lifetime and then comes out of the cave to see the actual objects appearance of the object, he will be confused of which is the reality and which is not. This confusion is not because of stupidity but because the prisoner is uneducated. If he is kept in darkness for a very long time not seeing the outside world, then the person’s response to the light will take a long time to adapt. He will first have to define an object from the shadows, then sees the light of the moon through reflection and then eventually after time he will be adapted to the outside world and will feel pity for the other prisoners in the cave. Basically what Plato tries to explain to us about the Allegory of the cave is that there are two consisting elements of perception. This is sensory perception, which is the world’s appearance that we perceive from our sensory organs, and spiritual perception, where we neglect the world‘s appearance of what we viewed from our sensory perception trying to find the truth of the universe.  The cave and the shadows in the cave in this matter is the world’s appearance referred as the illusions or unrealistic world, and the reality or truth that the prisoner perceives after coming out of the cave will be the spiritual concept of what we believe to be the real object using logic and reasoning not relying on our sensory organs used inside the cave. This concept is used in the art I am going to talk about further in which I believe shows an illusion of this real world. It is like the allegory of the cave theory in which people take something to be real would in fact be an illusion.

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Context in art is basically the meaning or message behind artwork. It is the honest and real view of the artist’s belief. The context of an art however depends on how one person perceives it and how the other person sees it. Here, context in art plays a big role. The painting I will be talking about is a painting in 2006 made by Emilio, a boy at the age of 5 at that time. His styles of paintings are all abstract. This little artist was a family friend of mine and he was undoubtedly a talented artist however ...

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