What power does language have in Religion?

Ela Topcuoglu


In order to discuss and identify what power language has in today’s world, it is important to first define what ‘language’ means to an individual, because the words people use to tell a story or make a point “tell a story of their own” (Take back the language: words tell a story of their own. Keith M. Woods.) Therefore what language means to someone might have a completely different meaning to someone else, thus the answer as to what power language has will change depending on who is asked. However the points and connections made in this essay focus on religion and reflect the idea that language is any system of formalized symbols, signs, sounds, gestures that are conceived as a means of communication thought or emotion

Language itself operates in many different aspects in our world today and has played a remarkable role in social interactions through its influential power on society. Influential power is mainly evident in religion, advertising and the media because each social development forms a sudden desire for safety or acceptance within an individual because it influences us to behave, think, dress or adopt opinions that we can share with others.

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When discussing religion one most consider the opposing views of the varied beliefs and practices involved in different religions. However, the one thing they all have in common is that they are all written, pronounced, interpreted in different ways, which is what has caused so much conflict and misconception in the world today. The power that the words in the Bible serve to Christians is equally important to words in the Quran for Muslims. Yet some people tend to interpret a message in their holy book in an entirely different way then a different person who has read the ...

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