when should we trust our senses to give us truth?

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When should we trust our senses to give us truth?

Does truth exist? This is one of the most pressing questions that keep revolve around the human mind. What is truth? According to The Oxford American Dictionary; truth is the quality of being true, true as in ‘in accordance with fact. In accordance with correct principles or accepted standard, genuine, loyal faithful.’ However we must be aware of the fact that truth is a subjective word.  What is true for one man may not be for another, what is considered a ‘true story’ may not be considered so according to which country or culture a person lives in.  

Our sensory perception is one of the ways of knowing.  It is an extremely important part of our psychological and physical make-up. I believe we cannot live without it.  I will be exploring several examples in this essay to ascertain whether we should trust in our senses to discover the truth or not.  

Humans can judge an idea or a fact whether it is true or false by using reason as well as their senses. I would like to argue that reason is not really accurate since I've always had a problem in determining whether the facts and ideas that I learn are true even if they seem reasonable sometimes. The knowledge that we are obtaining is not always reliable.  We need to question it. Most of mathematical or scientific knowledge is based on tried and tested methods.  However when considering the subjects of history and literature one cannot be certain of the facts which have been interpreted and written by a subjective human hand and those facts must certainly be colored by the emotional and political state of the person who wrote them.  

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How are we sure that the religious experiences we are having are true or are they just a result of some processes going in the brain? How are we supposed to trust any explanations made by Jesus, Mohammed or any other religious figure if we don't have any way of testing their ‘truth’?   As far as religion is concerned I believe most people do trust their senses through their intuition, their deep feeling about the power of God.  If they just looked at the scientific reasoned evidence their belief would be seriously undermined.  

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