This can have many interpretations as to why and how we achieve this knowledge. We should trust our senses to give us truth, as without it we would have no justification for anything like for example if you have a carton of apple juice and the way you can tell it is apple juice is by using prior knowledge and using senses such as vision, taste and smell. Also you need to combine these to actually be sure that it is what it is. In some cases one bit of prior knowledge is sufficient but in most others it is not.
Our senses are a vital and important tool that we use so much all the time without even knowing it. Also our memory can help produce a perception of something to us it as a comparison to a similar smell or taste that has once been tried. This comes under history and is an area of knowing so every time you taste, smell, see, touch something that record is saved in your brain and if anything similar or you come across the same thing again it will register with your brain and this is how we know what we like.
Without TOK we would not be able to communicate, identify things and we would have no feelings at all it would be a very dull place the world without these.
We should trust our senses in most cases but in the rare occasion that to smell something to recognise a smell it may be very difficult if for example you have a cold. From this you lose a sense and the others have to work harder to make up for this. Also say if you have more than one area or ways of knowing one could be wrong for example if grenadine is poured into a drink the drink turns red but doesn’t affect the taste as it is just a colouring, say if originally it was milk and it went red but tasted the same it would be hard for your brain to register this information.
This relates well back to the ways of knowing as you use the language part of this to interpret what is being said and how it is being said.
Your senses are the inner being of our souls and that is what needs to be used first and foremost. Trust can be broken and emotions are deceiving. Our senses tell us when something is wrong and if we chose to ignore our senses and trust what someone is telling us we can end up being hurt.