Analysis of an extract from Chapter 3 of Arundhati Roy's "The God of Small Things".

This document is an extract from the novel entitled The God of small things written by an Indian author called Arundhati Roy . She's a famous novelist , activist and a world critizen . Moreover , she's well known for her writings criticizing the Indian society . Thanks to her first novel The God of Small Things she won the Booker Prize in 1997 when this novel was published . The text studied comes from the chapter 3 . The scene takes place in October 1962, Ammu was eight months pregnant. The War against China began and people were being evacuated, but Ammu was too pregnant to flee . When the twins were two years old, Baba was drunk most of the time. His English boss, Mr. Hollick, told him his job was in trouble but that they could work something out if Baba went out of town and let Mr. Hollick sleep with Ammu. But Ammu didn't agree with this plan , Babe knocked her down then passed out from being tired and drunk . Then , Ammu took the heaviest book and beat him . This scenario repeated itself a few times, and finally Ammu took the kids and left. At the end Pappachi didn't believe Ammu's story because he couldn't believe that English people can have bad behaviour . Firstly , I'm going to talk to you about Baba's alcoholism . My second part deals with Sexual harrasment . Later , the third part is about the divorce
As I Said before on my summary , this part is concentrates on Alcoholism . It may be asserted that Baba Is in a very bad state because of the Alcohol . One of the most striking features is Baba's description lines 46 '' Ammu was repelled by the medicinal smell of stale alcohol that seeped though his skin , and the dry , caked vomit that encrusted his mouth like a pie every morning .'' Indeed , this character embodies the alchie in all his states : the alcohol is going to destroy him physically . Later , it can be noticed that Baba doesn't care about his children because during their chilhood He did not take care of them only once : he was only drinking lines 13 '' By the time the twins were two years old their father's drinking aggravated by the loneliness of tea estate life , had driven him into a alcoholic stupor . '' One can't help thinking that He does not respect correctly his(its) father's role . Unfortunatelly , this alcoholic addiction is going to aggravate things because Baba is not going to work any more . line14 '' Whole days went by during which he just lay in bed and didn't go to work .'' This bring us to A bad image of the father Who becomes completely crazy : this raises the problem of the social failure , because his boss can't bear his situation , he's going to fire him lines 15 '' Eventually , his English manager , Mr Hollick , summoned him to his bungalow for a serious chat '' This makes us fully aware of the situation is grave . Baba spoils his life . THen , it could be objected that Baba will have health problems lines 34 '' For a holiday . To a clinic perhaps , for treatment . For as long as it took him to get better . '' The author insists on an accumulation of problems because this is going to engender the violence between Ammu and Baba . The paragraph lines 39 to 48 shows the violence and the ill-treatmet to Ammu . Every day it is the same thing Babu beats Ammu . '' Suddenly he lunged her at her ; grabbed her hair , punched her and then passed out from the effort '' But I noticed that Ammu is not allowed make and she defends herself with a book she(It) knocks out her husband who is filled '' Ammu took down the heaviest book she could find in the bookself The Reader's Digest World Atlas and hit him with it as hard she could . On his head . His legs . His back and shoulders . '' Indeed, when her husband is unconscious she(it) takes advantage of it but when he gets up things are badly going to finish . He(It) apologizes for having badly acted but some time(weather) after he(it) beats her again . '' When he regained consciouness , he was puzzled her about helping with his transfer .'' this passage points out the Drunken Violence which damages their lifes

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