What is phony?

As a teenager, Holden Caulfield complains about the phoniness of adult world and searches desperately for a person who can help him cross the road, that is, grow up without losing his innocence. However, he is contradicting himself by being the greatest phony of all. He lies to strangers to protect himself, and he also says others are all phonies just for not facing the reality. Throughout the novel The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger provides many pieces of evidences which indicate that phoniness is the pretension, and shallowness actions that everyone tends to do and one will hardly realized about his own phoniness.

Phoniness is the pretension that everyone will do at some stage during their life, in fact, anyone could be a phony. For example, in the novel, when Holden meets Mrs. Morrow on the train, he enjoys fooling her by lying about her son Ernest. He tells her his name is Rudolph Schmidt, the name of the Janitor at Pencey Prep. Holden says in his own mind, “I didn’t feel like giving her my whole life history. Rudolf Schmidt was the name of the janitor of our dorm.” (55) Holden is full of contempt for adults. He feels like a failure because he is jealous of Ernest, the fact that his mother is proud of him. Holden enjoys talking to Mrs. Marrow, because he can pretend that everything in his life is normal. After this moment of pretense passes and he remembers that he is in trouble, he decides that Mrs. Morrow is deluded about her stupid son. So he enjoys fooling her, laughing at her secretly. He makes the ultimate escape at this point in the book, running away from Pencey and leaving the reality behind. The incident on the train is only the first of many examples where Holden pretends to be someone else, manipulates the people around him and acts like a huge phony. Starting with Mrs. Morrow, Holden engages in angry, behavior, lashing out at others. Holden is very close to a mental breakdown, the stress of his life has crushed him to relieve the pressure that he feels by role playing. Therefore, this proves that even a person that criticizes phoniness like Holden can be a phony sometimes.

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One often doesn’t recognize his own phoniness although he is certainly a phony by viewing in an objective way.  When Holden is explaining the ways of Pencey Prep—which is in Holden’s word: a phony, cruel world with full of phonies—to his sister Phoebe. His judgments indicate his thought about such schools. He thinks that they’re phony places and their main goal is to prepare students to become a totally phony to survive in the adult world. However, Holden is in fact more of a phony than the people that he accuses. Holden believes that all adults are phony because of ...

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