Comparative Essay on Mother by Grace Paley and dear mother by Seitlhamo Motsapi

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Comparative Essay (IB Paper 1)

Although Mother by Grace Paley and dear mother by Seitlhamo Motsapi are so structurally different, they both express a sense of longing and nostalgia through vivid imagery. The two texts both reveal the pain of their narrators, who wish to be reunited with their “mother”. However, “mother” in the two texts is used to represent two very different images. In Mother, author Grace Paley uses the word “mother” in its literal sense, describing the emotions of a child as he/she remembers his/her dead mother. In the poem dear mother, the word “mother” is used to represent the homeland of the narrator. It becomes apparent that the narrator has been exiled from his homeland, which he misses dearly.

Paley and Motsapi used different literary forms to convey the longing of their narrators. Mother is a short story, written in prose. The tone is reflective but conversational. There is no clear storyline – the narrator’s longing is instead conveyed through a series of fragmented flashbacks, which give the reader glimpses of the narrator’s estranged relationship with his/her mother. The flashbacks contain dialogue, but Paley does not use any quotation marks throughout the text. One prominent example occurs in the first paragraph. “It was New Year’s Day. She said sadly, If you come home at 4 A.M. when you’re seventeen, what time will you come home when you’re twenty?” The effect of this unconventional stylistic technique is that the dialogue blends in with the narrator’s voice, accentuating the dream-like nature of the narrator’s memories of an event buried deep in the past. Motsapi’s dear mother is a lyric poem, written in blank verse. Although fewer words are used when compared to Mother, Motsapi uses powerful metaphors to arguably evoke even stronger emotions in the reader. One example is when Motsapi describes the past as “a knot of furies”. The choice of words in this metaphor conjures up images of intense anger and frustration. Knot has connotations of constriction, while “furies” carries a double meaning – Greek goddesses of vengeance, or intense anger. Mother and dear mother both share a common theme of longing, but the tone of the two voices is extremely different. This distinction is partly rooted in the choice of structure employed by the two writers.

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Repetition is used in both texts to articulate the strong emotions experienced by the two narrators. In Paley’s Mother, the sentence “Then she died.” is repeated twice, both times as a separate, single paragraph. This short, succinct sentence illustrates the permanent nature of the mother’s death. It is a cold, hard fact that the narrator will never see the mother ever again. The repetition of the sentence at the end of the text seems to reaffirm this reality. These three simple words fully express the acceptance, regret and longing of the narrator. In Motsapi’s poem dear mother, repetition is used many ...

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