How Is one's Perception of the Absurd developed (through the Character of Meursault) in the Outsider?

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How Is one's Perception of the Absurd developed (through the Character of Meursault) in the Outsider?

        Albert Camus, born on the 7th of November 1913 in Algeria, was a French journalist, author and philosopher. After World War I many Europeans lost faith and began to question certain aspects of life. Camus and various existential writers, such as Samuel Beckett, judged that life was mainly monotonous and grey and that the “loss of human ultimate certainties”[1] occurred. Although Camus openly said: “No, I am not an existentialist”[2], mainly two philosophical notions can be found in The Outsider. Absurdism is “the belief that human beings exist in a purposeless, chaotic universe”[3], thus all efforts of humans to find rationality will ultimately fail as no such meaning in life exists. Another philosophy which is pervasive in the novel is existentialism, which is the belief “that people are searching to find out who and what they are throughout life as they make choices based on their experiences, beliefs, and outlook without the help of laws, ethnic rules, or traditions”[4]. The Outsider is the story about Meursault, the narrator and protagonist, who, following a series of irrational events commits homicide and is put on trial. Through different key elements, like the character of Meursault and momentous situations, one is able to determine these tenets on the absurd and meaninglessness of human life.  These elements play an important role of the perception of the philosophy woven into the content of the novel. Meursault and Camus both are part of an alienated ethnic group called the Pieds-Noirs, which neither belong to their native land France, nor their adopted country Algeria. They are alienated and rejected from society because of  political reasons such as their responsibility for the defeat in the Algerian War.

        The awkwardness of how Camus' character deals with emotional situations could portray the author's tendency to existentialism and absurdism. Therefore this paper will focus on the analysis of the portrayal of the Meursault's reaction and feelings towards 3the emotions of grief, love and guilt. By such the reader is trying to find evidence of philosophical tenets through the content of the novel.

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        In the very first paragraph of the book, Meursault receives information about his mother's passing away. As the book also closes with an event of death, the novel is framed with a sad situation, as one would generally perceive it.

“Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don’t know. I got a telegram from the home: "Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours. That doesn’t mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday."

The syntax is short, easily understandable, with caesura marking his dull process of thought. Such a situation normally establishes empathy within the reader, because one can ...

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