Kafka vs Gogol Crossing of the Boundaries in The Metamorphosis and The Nose: a Comparative Analysis.

Crossing of the Boundaries in “The Metamorphosis” and “The Nose”: a Comparative Analysis.
Awaking to a brutal change in their lives, the protagonists of “The Metamorphosis” and “The Nose”, written by Franz Kafka and Nikolai Gogol, reveal the most intimate features of their identities. There are boundaries that they cross; there are some others that they don’t. Through surreal stories, the authors uncover the unkind reality hidden in the everyday routine. Under the stress of the cross physical transformation, the protagonists of “The Metamorphosis” and “The Nose§ experience revelation, which in turn leads to them traversing their mental boundaries and crystalizes their virtues and vices.
In both of the novels, the protagonists experience severe physical transformation, which makes an adverse impact on their social status and their way of life. Prior to his transformation into a bug, Gregor is a humble slave of the circumstances created by his family, work, his colleagues and his boss. Gregor never gives a thought to anything beyond this narrow context. During the course of the novel he never thinks about himself and devotes his life wholeheartedly to his family. “What a quiet life the family leads," Gregor said to himself, and while he stared ahead into the darkness, he felt very proud of himself for having been able to provide his parents and sister with a life like that, in such a beautiful apartment” (Kafka 25). After his transformation, Gregor does not stop thinking about his family but he also understands that he is no longer needed to his relatives. A similar change to a predetermined life is portrayed in Gogol’s “Nose”: the protagonist Major Kovalev cannot imagine himself outside of his customary social context. His only life path is to live for himself and for his personal benefit. Kovalev’s only life goals are – to climb up the bureaucratic staircase and/or to marry to a wealthy bride: “Major Kovalev came to Petersburg on business, to wit, to look for a post… girl with a fortune of two hundred thousand” (Gogol 208). Losing the nose prevents him from succeeding on both counts and destroys the entire model of his future life. Thus it can be derived, that beyond the change of social status after severe physical transformations, there is another similarity between the protagonists: they both cannot live their customary life anymore and this poses a huge challenge to their identity. Gogol and Kafka forcibly put their protagonist under severe stress and force them to cross the boundaries of their former lives.