Kite Runner. The opening scene of Khaled Hosseinis Kite Runner plays a significant role in setting the tone for the whole novel by giving the readers a glimpse of the major themes of the novel

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Kite runner

Significance of Chapter 1

Analysis of a key passage

The opening scene of ’s Kite Runner plays a significant role in setting the tone for the whole novel by giving the readers a glimpse of the major themes of the novel, which are redemption, sin, guilt, loyalty, betrayal and friendship. The technique of foreshadowing has been effectively used in order to present to the readers a small prospect of the novel, along with making the readers curious to find out as to what is going to happen next. The first chapter also suggests that the past consisted of a certain incident which played a major role in twisting the life of the narrator. The narrator speaks about his past and therefore the technique of a flashback has been used. This gives the reader a very strong feeling of mystery and ambiguity, and coerces the reader to read on.

The author has also presented to the readers the period of time when the narrator was residing in Afghanistan. The year 1975, twenty six years back, was the time when the life of the narrator reached a milestone of his life. The time is probably given such importance in order to convey to the readers as to how long the narrator has tried to erase his dreadful memories and for 25 whole years has he been trying to bury his sins and his sense of guilt. The year also plays an important role in showing the period of time when Afghanistan changed, the vicious transition from a land of tradition and brotherhood to the land of bloodshed, chaos and sorrow. The narrator tried to escape his sins by moving away to another continent, miles and miles away from his home, Afghanistan, and spent 25 years still unsuccessful in forgetting his horrifying memories.  

The image of the two kites also strikes a memory in the narrator’s mind and reminds him of his past, hassan and his words echoeing in his mind “For you, a thousand times over”. Hassan is one of the most important characters in the novel, since it was his rape that triggered the transformation of Amir’s character. The kite represents the time when Amir and Hassan were one as a team and the difference in their social status was ruled out, to a certain extent. The kites brought back the beautiful and unblemished memories of the days Amir spent with his loyal, best friend, Hassan. The kite also stands as a negative symbol indicating the day of the kite flying tournament, which was the day when hassan got raped while obtaining the kite Amir had cut. It was this day when Amir left his helpless friend hassan alone and realized the intensity of his cowardice by leaving a friend in trouble, who would have gone to any limit in order to protect Amir. The kite also rests as a link between Amir and his father, Baba, since it was this one activity of Amir that made his father proud of him. This shows that Amir would not let go this opportunity to obtain the lacking love of a father. The kites, finally show the relationship between Amir and Hassan, their similarities and the differences. The “twin kites” show the half-blood relationship between Amir and hassan and the fact that both of them breasted from the same nurse. It can be noticed that they may be half brothers and therefore related, however, they did not share personalities. In fact, Amir’s personality was a contrasting one to Hassan’s. The difference highlighted between Amir and Hassan by the symbol of kites is mainly that of their social stature. The everlasting gap between Amir, who represents a Pashtun and Hassan, who represents a Hazara, can be clearly seen in the kite tournament when Amir, the ‘superior’ class holds the thread and claims the victory when it is in reality Hassan, the hazara, who runs the kite and makes Amir win. The introduction of Kites in the first chapter is an excellent decision of the author to convey to the readers the significance this symbol has in the novel and that it is these kites which mirror the major themes of betrayal, redemption, loyalty and undying friendship.

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The opening scene also describes the site where the incident of Hassan’s rape took place, “crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek”. This shows the readers the significance of the event and the degree of importance in Amir’s life, since he remembers such minute details of the dreadful scene he saw.  It also stands as a symbol of Amir’s mindset, his soul shattering like the “crumbling mud wall” because of his sins. The significance of the winter scene is understood later on in the novel when learn that Hassan was born in ...

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