Notes on Clarice Lispector (1953 - 1977):

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Clarice Lispector (1953 - 1977): Subject Matter:-fictional pieces revolve around existentialism/absurdism (ex. Family Ties (1960), The Passion According to G.H. (1964), The Apple in the Dark (1961), An Apprenticeship or the Book of Delights (1969))-writes many fictional pieces revolving around the topics of human suffering/failure, the mortality of humans, individuals who are alone or come to realize that they are alone and are trapped in hostile situations, wanting to escaping hostile situations, and the fear felt when confronting the concept of nothingness. (ex. Family Ties, many of her existentialist/absurdist works)-pits the emotion of wanting to live against the knowledge that death is inevitable (ex. "The Chicken")-animals. Often depicts animals as beings that are able the most to feel emotions in the purest sense due to their primordial state of being. (ex. "The Buffalo", "The Chicken")-focuses a lot on females. Family Ties deals with how women are repressed by the social and familial ties around them. Other works with female main characters include: The Passion According to G.H., The Hour of the Star (1977), An Apprenticeship or the Book of Delights-The relationship poverty and power have within Brazil as well as class issues (ex. The Hour of the Star). Hints of new topics that Lispector may have wanted to write had she not diedLanguage and Techniques:-original works are in Portuguese-uses normal situations that are thought to be controllable and then turns them into uncontained, chaotic experiences (ex. stories in Family Ties, The Passion of G.H.)-tends to start off a piece with a silent or unsettling mood and then transform the mood into a more stronger, overwhelming emotion. (ex. "Happy Birthday", "The Chicken", "The Daydreams of a Drunken Woman", basically almost everything in Family Ties as well as her other existentialist/absurdist works )-often uses crises that characters experience in order to initiate a character's epiphanic moment. The crises are often triggered by mundane events. (ex. Family Ties, The Passion According to G.H., many of her other existentialist/absurdist works as well)-Has a probing style of writing. Lispector tends to write questions about life rather than answering them. Intensifies the reader's feelings of bewilderment/doubts about the world around them. (ex. Family Ties, The Passion According to G.H., many of her other existentialist/absurdist works as well)-Style of
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writing/the descriptions she uses in her pieces often have a surrealistic nature to themZeitgeist:-1950-1954: Brazil experiences inflation and growing national debt under Getulio Vargas' dictatorship. Discontent among the army and people.-1964-1985: Brazil under military rule with some moments where democracy seems to have returned. In the beginning, there was a lot of media censorship and trade unions were suppressed. Discontent among the people, protests and guerilla warfare arise (Lispector also protests against the military rule). There was rapid economic growth around the late 1960s-early 1970s but many were still poor.-1970s: Brazil suffers from inflation. Unemployment rises. Many are poor. Unhappiness ...

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