The message of the short story The Bottom Line and the Sharp End by Fay Weldone

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The message of the short story “The Bottom Line and the Sharp End”.

I would like to begin from the title, because it is very important for understanding the story. “The bottom line” means the main result of person’s life, its outcome, which is achieved by a person. It is a peculiar conclusion, which is made by every person in the certain period of life. Also “The bottom line” symbolizes some bound that a person reaches and then understands that it is the end. He achieved something in the life, it does not matter if it is good or bad, but he did it, and nobody except God has a right to judge him. “The bottom line” is the sign of the end. “Everything finishes, that’s the bottom line,” – Avril says. She means that nothing lasts forever and everything has a limit.


“The sharp end” has a different meaning. There is an explanation of its sense in “Contemporary British Stories”: “The “sharp end” is the bows of ship (the front end) and it also used metaphorically to describe difficult and pioneering experience”. I agree with this statement because our life is like a large unknown ocean that contains many hard obstacles and challenges. People are pushed through unexplored water without any help and supporting, and if a person overcomes the difficulties, he or she wins the battle with surrounding world and perceives the purport of life. Then a person may be considered as a happy and fully-fledged individual.

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The title of the story – “The Bottom Line and the Sharp End” – is a reflection of Avril’s life. Avril repeats this phrase at least two times: when she tells about relationships with the stage manager and when she loses her hair. Avril understands that “nothing lasts” that is why people should not be afraid of taking the risk. Every man that she loved gives her something good or bad but she learns what love is. Avril experiences many rises and falls but the most important thing that she experiences love. For Avril love is happiness and the ...

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