The Tigers Bride by Angela Carter presents an inward journey of a female protagonist, who has to go through several phases of transformation to emerge renewed.

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        The Tiger’s Bride’ by Angela Carter presents an inward journey of a female protagonist, who has to go through several phases of transformation to emerge renewed. However, in order to do so, the protagonist is forced to face struggles that exist in the patriarchal society such as the gender-based stereotypes, sexual objectification and the drowning of the female voice. She also encounters ‘the beast’ and in the end emerges renewed. Therefore, this essay will explore how Carter addresses problems within the patriarchal society through the journey of the protagonist to present the reinvented female. When looking at the reinvented female, it is how carter depicts the female so that we see her in a new light at the end of the story.

        In ‘The Tiger’s Bride’, Carter empowers her heroine through the rejection of the females as objects and those associated with women to refute the gender based stereotypes and objectification of females. Firstly, she is seen as a possession of males. The opening lines already show that the female is not independent; she is owned and used as leverage.  ‘My father lost me to the beast at cards’ (56) and ‘I have lost my pearl/if you are so careless with your treasures’ (60). Usually, being called a ‘pearl’ or ‘treasure’ would be seen as a compliment to many women, for it seems to suggest a dark lady quality. However, Carter exposes the connotations of such titles – not only is she objectified but she is also denied independency by being owned by the males. Another object associated with females is that of jewellery. In this story, the image of diamond earrings is a recurrent image that symbolises female objectification.‘I fixed the earrings in my ears. They were very heavy.’ (73) This shows the weight and severity of being an accessory and how the existence of gender based objects in society comes with a price – female independency. Also in the story, the protagonist rejects diamond earrings, which are seen in the quotes ‘I snapped the box shut and tossed it in a corner.’ (67) and ‘I threw the other into the corner where the first one lay’ (68) The protagonist stands firm in her hatred and rejection for any form of objectification or gender based stereotyping. The awareness the protagonist shows that she has an active mind and not just objectified, like many other females of that time.  

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        For centuries, the female voice has been drowned out by male dominance but Carter presents us with a different heroine – through her clear voice and clear goals. Firstly, Carter uses the first person narrative voice thus we are allowed to look at her journey from her perspective.‘I watched with the furious cynicism peculiar to women whom circumstances force mutely to witness folly’ (56),‘no young lady laughs like that… But I did. And do.’ (65). Through the use of the first person, we can see how she reacts to events around her. The silenced female enrages her; she cannot ...

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