Throughout the play Cyrano de Bergerac written by Edmond Rostand, the audience sees the importance of the main protagonists code of honor to the plot of the story.

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Rendol Williams                                                                        

Reflective Statement

        My understandings of the contextual and cultural considerations were further developed through the use of this interactive oral. In the French play Cyrano de Bergerac the protagonist Cyrano is faced with the monster challenge of confronting a woman who he believes to be beautiful in his eyes. There is a problem though that he finds to be major and thus judges himself on for the rest of the play, even up to his death. It was his big nose. Many elements of this story are hard for people in our day and age to understand, as times have changed and what was customary back then, can be different from what we think is right now. One element is the medium of communication between individuals. In this time the only fast way to send messages was by letter. In our days of technology we can easily send a message in a matter of seconds. Another element of the oral that helped with my understanding was how Christian and Cyrano were both vital parts in the wooing of Roxanne. Cyrano wrote the letters so this made him the emotional part of the relationship. Christian on the other hand was seen to be as the physical satisfaction of the relationship. As we can see neither of them were applicable as mates for Roxanne, but rather a person that took traits from both would be the perfect match. That would be in a perfect world though. Here though in an imperfect world the truth will come out soon or a later. Cyrano eventually confesses that it was him who wrote the letters to Roxanne. Although he did state this he still gave credit where credit was due. He acknowledged the role that Christian had played, and didn’t take sole credibility. In the end Roxanne doesn’t see his nose as a barrier that would keep her from expressing her love. It reminds me that not only is a person judged by others for his appearance, but that a person conforms to these views and is thus changed by them. As one can see through this discussion I have developed a better understanding of the contextual and cultural considerations of Cyrano de Bergerac.

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                                                                                        Word Count: 367

Rendol Williams

24 May 2012

Honor in the Play Cyrano de Bergerac

Throughout the play Cyrano de Bergerac written by Edmond Rostand, the audience sees the importance of the main protagonist’s code of honor to the plot of the story. A code of honor represents a set of guidelines set out by a person that expresses their ideals and beliefs. It defines a person and expresses what that person is like and often times directly and indirectly affects others around them. The main protagonist Cyrano presents many positive aspects in regard ...

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