To what extent has Lermentov used the idea of woman vs. equine theme as a medium for his views on expression during the 1830s

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Sachin Murugan

To what extent has Lermentov used the idea of woman vs. equine theme as a medium for his views on expression during the 1830’s

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I was traveling post from Tiflis, once I reached the summit of the mountain; I replaced my six slow moving oxen with a fresh team of horses.

Maxim Maximich
Kazbich, I first met him at a Ciscassian Wedding, the owner of Karagyoz, the most remarkable horse for mile around.
It was impossible to think of anything finer than that horse. No wonders all the riders envied him. More than once they tried to steal it, but they didn’t succeed.

Whilst checking on my horse, overheard Kazbich and Azamat talking about a horse, I grew quick with suspicion. Only it became clear the subject of their topic was the desirable Karagyoz.


There are many beauties in our village. The stars gleam with an explicit in the dark of their eyes…a fiery steed is beyond price

My horse..oh my horse! Upon hearing the loss of my beloved Karagyoz, I broke down and began sobbing like a child. However, I will seek vengeance!

Azamat – The first time I saw Karagyoz, something incomprehensible happened in my soul, and since then I’ve been disgusted with everything…every minute your black steed would come into my thoughts.
I made it clear to Kazbich I’d die if he didn’t sell him to me! I have even offered my dear sister Bela for the prized stallion

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Pechorin – Bela’s irresistible beauty arouses me. Her big soul gazing eyes gleam with somewhat of a phosphate glitter. However, I was not the only one with my eyes fixed on Bela. Kazbich’s fiery eyes never failed to deter away from the sight of Bela. I will have her. Perhaps an exchange of a noble Stallion to the father of this beauty will suffice…

Princess Mary

Pechorin – I have seemingly become infatuated with the Princess Mary. Only to my demise, Grushnitski has made it apparent to present himself as my opposing contender for heroine in the eyes of the ...

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