Who do you think is responsible for Gregor's fate? To what extent do you think he is responsible?

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Who do you think is responsible for Gregor's fate? To what extent do you think he is responsible?

The love he never got, the responsibilities he inherited, the pain his life had become. In The Metamorphosis by Frank Kafka, Gregor’s miserable life takes another acute turn when he turns into a vermin. His life before and after the metamorphosis takes center stage as he struggles with his new life, and how these struggles lead to his catastrophic end. Although Gregor is largely responsible for his ill fate, his father Mr. Samsa is the biggest culprit for Gregor’s atrocities. It is largely of him that Gregor had to abandon his studies to live the miserable life he was living before the metamorphosis, and the life of a disgusted vermin after the metamorphosis.

Gregor’s life before and after the metamorphosis are both scarred by Mr. Samsa’s deeds. Before the metamorphosis, Mr. Samsa’s business failure forces Gregor to quit his studies and shoulder the responsibilities of his entire family. While Gregor worked laboriously, Mr. Samsa “(ate) breakfast… for several hours as he sat reading a number of different newspapers."(9) The responsibility should have been equally, if not totally, shouldered by Mr. Samsa, as it is his family and his responsibility to take care of the entire family. Even after he was unable to support the family, he could have tried to reduce the expenditure of the family rather than eating five-hour breakfasts and staying home reading newspapers. As a father, his only concern for Gregor is noted when Gregor does not get up to go for work, mainly because Gregor was the only earner in the family. After Gregor’s metamorphosis, Mr. Samsa shows no interest in Gregor’s condition and was amongst the first people to completely forget about Gregor. His indifferent attitude towards Gregor really triggers Gregor’s guilt towards his responsibilities, which in the end takes his life.

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Gregor’s scars were not just mentally, but are also physically represented by the apple at his back, from which he “he suffered for over a month” (40) with. In this scenario, Mr. Samsa is regarded by Gregor as “(it) seemed to have reminded even his father that Gregor was a member of the family, in spite of his present pathetic and repulsive shape… endure him…" (40). The pain caused by the apple, physically, does not kill him, it is his isolation from the family that causes his death. In some ways, the apple represents his father, whose inconvenience leads to ...

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