Calculating the specific heat of a metal

The Specific Heat of a Metal I. Purpose: to determine the specific heat of a substance. II. Materials: > 50-mL beaker > 250-mL beaker > 400-mL beaker > 100-mL graduated cylinder > Large test tube > Glass stirring rod > Utility clamp > Ring stand > Ring support > Hot plate > Electric balance > Plastic foam cup > Thermometer > Lead shot > Distilled water III. Procedure: . 250 mL of water was heated in a 400-mL beaker until it was boiling gently. 2. While the water was heating, the mass of a clean, dry 50-mL beaker was determined and recorded. Between 80 g and 120 g of lead shot was then added to the beaker and their combined mass was measured and recorded. 3. The lead shot was then transferred to a large, dry test tube. The utility clamp was used to suspend the test tube in the boiling water; the lead shot was below the level of the water in the beaker. The test tube was then left in the boiling for 10 minutes. 4. While the lead shot was heating, 100 mL of distilled water was measured I na graduated cylinder. The water was poured into a plastic foam cup that was placed in a 250-mL beaker for support. 5. The temperature of the water in the plastic cup and the water in the boiling bath was measured. 6. The test tube was removed from the boiling water and quickly poured into the water-filled plastic foam cup. A thermometer and a glass stirring rod were

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 583
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Chemistry
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Aujourdhui, je vais vous prsenter une analyse dun tableau peint par Ren Magritte qui est appelle Le Fils de lHomme .

Le Fils d'Homme Aujourd'hui, je vais vous présenter une analyse d'un tableau peint par René Magritte qui est appelle " Le Fils de l'Homme ". Premièrement, je vais parler un peu de l'histoire de Magritte et après cela, je vais vous donner mon interprétation sur cette peinture. René Gislain Magritte est né le 21 novembre 1898 en Belgique dans une famille modeste. Il était un impressionniste au début de sa carrière avant d'arriver à son style caractéristique du surréalisme, après plusieurs années d'études. Magritte s'approcha de son art de rendre les gens s'interroger sur la réalité qui établit autour d'eux, et non pas simplement accepter les choses comme elles semblent être. Le fils de l'homme est l'une des plus célèbres peintures de Magritte, en plus de la bien connue "La Trahison des Images". Dans ce tableau, il y a un homme dans un costume debout sur ce qui semble être un pont avec une pomme verte couvrant son visage. À première vue, cette peinture semble un peu bizarre à cause de la pomme en face du visage de l'homme. Par conséquent, le sens de cette peinture est difficile à déchiffrer. Il y a de nombreuses interprétations de la signification derrière cette peinture, mais aujourd'hui, je vais seulement parler de l'un. Travers cette peinture, il semble que Magritte a essayé d'incarner le thème du péché des hommes. La pomme verte, qui

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 539
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Changes in Tourism

Geography Essay- Factors Affecting Tourism Describe the changes in the growth in tourism in recent decades. Explain the factors responsible for this. In the 1950s, there were 25.5 million of international tourist arrivals and mostly were Europeans, which were 16.8 million arrivals. However, in the 1990s, international tourist arrivals increased to 455.9 millions. The significant changes were 280.6 million arrivals were from middle-east and 57.7 million arrivals were from Asia-pacific. First of all, transportation is one of the major factors seriously affecting each country's tourism because countries without high efficiency of transportation, it would lower tourists preferences to visit a specific country. For instance, development of the High-speed rail industry in Europe attracts more tourists from Europe continent of even internationally because High-speed trains were also quite fast, which can travel more than 250km/h in average. And travelling by trains was relatively cheaper compared to travel by planes because roundtrip tickets from London to Paris in Euro star cost $1575.6 HKD. However, air roundtrip tickets from London to Paris cost $2484 HKD in British Airways. Secondly, development of infrastructure- both roads and airports in More Economic Developed Countries (MEDCs) and Less Economic Developed Countries (LEDCs) were improving, which allowed more large sizes of

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 535
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Geography
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Medea Reflection. When I first read the play Medea, I did not have any sort of sympathy for Medea herself.

Status' of Women in Ancient Greece Euripides has been known for writing about women in his plays. In his plays, he shows women trying to redeem their social status in their said country. When I first read the play Medea, I did not have any sort of sympathy for Medea herself. Yes I may have learnt the history of Ancient Greece a long time ago, but when reading the play, the historiography was not there with me. For example, when Jason travels to Colchis to find the Golden Fleece, Medea falls in love with him and helps him. When read without any historical context in mind, it seems as if they will be a good couple, love at first sight; analyses like these come into mind. But after reviewing the historical context, we need to remember that men had not respect for women in ancient Greece times, they regarded them as worthless. While learning this information, I had an epiphany that I should have realized the bad circumstances that are about to fall upon Medea from the first couple of lines. For another example, when there was a rumour that the King of Corinth is going to ban Medea and her children, at that point, I said to myself "good for her", because at that time I put myself in the Kings feet and concluded that if a woman is making trouble in my area, then she should be removed. But then again, as a king I only want my country or area to prosper. But after I found out that

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 467
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: World Literature
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Lettre au directeur. Objet: Objection la dcision de faire des cours soir supplmentaires obligatoires pour des lves de dernire anne.

Julia D. - présidente du comité des élèves dans Lycée General n° III 70 B/2 rue Reya 80-363 Warsovie Tél: +48 554-24-78 Monsieur le Directeur du Lycée General n° III 27, rue du Legionów 81405 Warsovie Warsovie, le 15 janvier 2012 Objet: Objection à la décision de faire des cours soir supplémentairesobligatoires pour des élèves de dernière année. Monsieur le Directeur, Comme la représentante des élèves de III BI il faut que j'exprime notre déception liée à votre décision d'organiser des cours du soir supplémentaires qui seraient obligatoires pour touts les élèves de dernière année. Nous trouvons cela inadmissible et contre les lois d'élève. Tout d'abord, la majorité des élèves de III BI se sentent déjà suffisamment chargés d'exceptionnellement haute nombre des leçons que nous avons chaque semaine. Nous sommes conscients que s'était notre choix d'étudier dans la classe BI mais au début de notre éducation en BI chacun de nous a choisi le nombre défini des sujets et d'heurs qu'il est capable de suivre. Cela est contre les lois d'élève et, en dehors de cela très insensible de votre part, de nous grever plus. En outre, vous êtes conscient qu'une grande partie d'élèves de III BI vivent loin de l'école. Déjà, sans des leçons additionnelles, ils retournent à la maison très tard après-midi. Sitôt ils

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 379
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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