China One Child Policy

Case Study China One Child Policy History China has the world's largest population, and it's cities are the most densely populated ones. It's policy is one of the most recognized policy, since is the most rigid of any country. The policy admites only one child per couple, and because of this it is called the "One Child Policy". Before 1949, before the communists had the power, China was at stage 1 of demographic transition model, and families had betwen 5 and 8 children. Also there was a high death rate, and a low life expectation. Infant mortality rate was also high, and so with death rate and birth rate, which means that the population was increasing at a very slowly rate. In these days, large families where encouraged, since the government followed a pro-natalistic population policy. Ten years later in 1960, the population increased dramatically to 100million people more, which determined China in the second stage of the demographic transition model. As a result improvements where made in medical services. In 1976, whith the death of Mao, the government decided to advocate voluntary population control to reduce the birth rate. China began to advice about limiting family sizes and to distribute information about the need to control the population growth. Finally in 1980, the One Child Policy was introduced, which provided benefits for couples which had only one

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  • Word count: 1296
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Geography
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Population Essay

"The new threat to the planet is not too many people but too few." Was once written by Michael Mayer. He claimed that the global population will rise to a peak and then sharply decrease. As we know at the moment it seems like there are already too many people on the world, leading to starvation, scarce natural resources, poverty, war and global competition for jobs. And it seems like the amount of people are continually increasing, but will it really last and will it be a problem? In Japan in fact the population is already starting to decrease, where the total fertility rate is only 1.2. That means that a woman in Japan will have an average of 1.2 kids in her life. One of the problems in Japan is that it is difficult to live there as an immigrant. This is due to the hard language and very few Japanese people speak English well. So it's not really attractive to migrate to Japan. And the women see kids the result for Japan is what's called an 'ageing population', where there will be older people, than younger people in the future. The picture beneath shows the current populations pyramid of Japan. As you can see, the life expectancy in Japan is high, as there are quite some people in their 85's-89's. What we can conclude from this pyramid is by the trend in it. [Source:] The number of kids in the groups of 0-15

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  • Word count: 1381
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Geography
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