The Use Of Enzymes In Industry
The Use of Enzymes in Industry Skills I and J Enzymes are extremely useful and therefore are used in many industries. The reason for them being so useful is that they work quickly and efficiently to speed up the rate of many different reactions without going through changes themselves; this also makes them reusable.[5]This is all down to them being biological catalysts. The food industry is a major industry which relies on enzymes and probably the main place in this country where they are used. Throughout the industry there are numerous different areas which involve enzymes to make the process quicker. Some of these are; Fruit, Dairy, Brewing, Starch and Baking. Throughout the process of making fruit juices enzymes are used; as fruits contain pectins which are polysaccharides and cause cloudiness in the juices. To reduce this pectin and increase the amount of juice degrading enzymes are added at the pressing stage as the fruits are being modified. Therefore customers get better juice which isn't as cloudy and the company's gain more profit as they are making a larger quantity of juice.[7] Dairy products like cheese are made with the help of two enzymes, pepsin and chymosin. As cheese is made from raw material milk, the milk has to be warmed and these two enzymes added in order for the milk to form 'curbs and whey'. The product of this is a cloudy thick liquid containing
To investigate the effect of temperature on the enzyme catalase.
To investigate the effect of temperature on the enzyme catalase Aim: To investigate the effect of temperature on the enzyme catalase Apparatus Celery extract (catalase) Labels 20 Volume hydrogen peroxide Distilled water 6 100cm beakers 20cm and 50 cm measuring cylinders Balance Stopwatch Trough Clamps & stand 50cm conical flask + bung + tubing + 3 way tap 0cm syringe Beehive shelf Gas syringe Goggles Water bath at 25 & 35°C 250cm beakers & thermometer for water bath Method .Weigh out 1 sample of celery extract of 10g in a conical flask. 2.Place in a water bath at 25°C. 3.Place about 20cm hydrogen peroxide solution in a container in the same water bath. 4.Leave for 10 min to equilibrate. 5.Set up the apparatus as follows: -Fill a trough with water -Fill a measuring cylinder with water and invert in the trough (ensure that no air bubbles are in the water) -Secure the cylinder with a clamp & stand -Position the bung and 3 ways tap to fit on a conical flask, ensure that this can be held in place with a clamp & stand -Put the end of the tubing in the measuring cylinder 6.Make sure that the tap is closed and fill a syringe with 10cm hydrogen peroxide from the water bath. 7.Take the first conical flask containing the celery extract; arrange the apparatus as above and empty the syringe into the flask closing the 3-way tap start the stopwatch.
The supernatural in Macbeth
The supernatural in Macbeth The Witches, also known as the Weird Sisters, are part of the supernatural element of the play. Without them, the play would surely not have taken the path that it did for either Macbeth, nor Lady Macbeth would have been driven, by greed and lust for the crown, to the extent of murder and regicide. Although the witches only feature in a few scenes, their presence is essential and they are the characters who drive Macbeth to the position of King and eventually to his death. In the following I will assess the roles that the witch play and decide how important they actually were. Firstly, the appearance of the witches, give us a better idea of their character. They are described as having "choppy fingers, skinny lips and beards." When Banquo meets them, he says "That not look like the inhabitants o'th'Earth and yet are on it?" He says they look imaginary and when they disappear, he describes them as "bubbles of the Earth" Clearly they are going to influence Macbeth's life in a 3.major way. The witches also speak in riddles and paradoxes. They make it purposefully hard to understand the truth about what they mean. Some examples are "Fair is foul and foul is fair" (implying all good is bad and all bad is good) Another example is when a witch says, "When a battle's lost and won" Later on in the story, we realise that nearly everything the witches do
Watergate scandal
Describe the main features of the Watergate scandal in the USA. The Watergate Scandal was caused by an attempt to bug the offices of the Democrat Party in the Watergate building in Washington. Five men were arrested in June 1972. The men were employed by CREEP, Committee to re-elect the President. Some of the key features were the secretive activites CREEP, dirty tricks, the cover-up, role of television, senate hearings, Nixon's registration and the scandal's impact on politics. In 1968, Richard Nixon, the Republican candidate, was elected president. In 1972 he would have to seek-reelection. Concerned that he might not be re-elected, he set up CREEP, "Committee to Re-elect the President". It was led by John Mitchell, a close adviser to Nixon, who was encouraged to use any tactics he saw fit to ensure Nixon's re-election, including dirty tricks or illegal methods. Sixty million dollars were illegally collected to fight this campaign, with $350,000 set aside for these dirty tricks, including the idea of "bugging" the Democrat offices at Watergate. This campaign led to the break in which started scandal and led to the cover-up. On 17th June, five members of CREEP were arrested for breaking into the Watergate offices. These burglars turned out to be rather unusual. They were not stealing from the offices, but instead planting electronic bugging devices. One burglar turned out
What are web Services?
What are web Services? Web services allow interoperable software components to be built over the web using standard protocols, which can perform business functions and processes. Currently organisations have to choose a single product vendor to provide the software functionality to perform an business function or process i.e. if a company wishes to automate it's HR function then it would look at souring the software from a single ERP vendor rather then source the best bits from the best vendors at the right price. The main reason for this is interoperability of data definition and messaging standards between different vendors is not consistent. This means a-lot of work on integrating the different components would need to be carried out which is not feasible. Interoperability of data and messaging is the underlying foundation of web services. Organisations will be able to get the best components from the companies wish to perform their business functions e.g. within HR a software component to manage compensation and benefits can be bought from SAP, a software component to manage performance management can be bought from PeopleSoft and so on. All these components are interact under the web services framework to provide a seemless automated HR function. This single example simpler more cost effective integration will The concepts that underpin Web Services are not new: *
Wilfred Owen 'Dulce et decorum est'.
Dulce et decorum est In this poem, by Wilfred Owen 'Dulce et decorum est' Owen was attempting to across the full horror of the First World War. In great detail get he describes a soldier suffering and dying in a gas attack. The poem is written from the point of view of an eyewitness who was there before during and after the attack. Owen finishes by asking the reader to tell their children the truth about the war and not the 'old lie' that it is sweet and fitting to die for your country, 'Dulce et decorum est pro pratria mori'. In the poem 'dulce et decorum est' (which means it is sweet and fitting) The poem is narrative and in sections. The first section is the men going to rest the second is .the gas attack in the trenches. The third is the man having bad dreams to do with the incident. The fourth is explaining if you had seen what he had seen you would not want to tell your children of these awful conditions. The rhyme scheme goes ABABCDCDEFEF I did not notice this at first, this is very good poetry and the words are well thought out. The similes in this poem are very good 'flound'ring like a man in fire or lime' this means the man was going all over the place and it was like he was on fire. There are also a lot of metaphors 'Men marched asleep' this is because the men were so tired it looked as though they were asleep. This poem has got a very sad, dark and somber feel
Why is Bottom such a well-loved character? Explain with reference to 'A Midsummer Nights Dream'
Why is Bottom such a well-loved character? Explain with reference to 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays. It was written in 1595 so was one of his earlier plays. Nick Bottom is one of the main characters in the play and is easily the funniest and most well loved. By well loved, I mean that he is well liked my other characters in the play and especially by the audience. He figures in many of the scenes in the play and crosses into the different 'worlds' within the play. He wanders into the world of the fairies during the play and also into the Royal World! Both of these worlds give Bottom a chance to show a bit more of his comical character. The play itself was aimed at an audience of Kings and Queens. It was written just after the plague had swept through the country killing thousands of people so this may have influenced Shakespeare into writing a play with a touch of humour in it. Shakespeare is undoubtedly the best play write that has ever lived and 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' has always been one of his most popular plays. There are many main characters in the play that all have an important role within the play. Bottom may not be the main character, however he is the character that the audience will remember the most about once the play has finished. Bottom gets his slightly comical name from being a working
Why Did Stalemate Develop On The Western Front?
Assignment 1.2 Why Did Stalemate Develop On The Western Front? Stalemate in war is when there is a deadlock and neither side can win. There are many reasons for the stalemate of World War 1. Was the stalemate because the Germans knockout blow failed, the nature of weapons as both sides were at the same technology level or was it too ambitious? In fact it was all of these reasons. There wasn't just one. The plan was also based on too many assumptions: 1. Russia would take 6 weeks to mobilise even though she had been building railways for the last 10 years, railways and transport was crucial for fast mobilisation 2. The men of the 1st and 2nd Armies could easily walk the large arc in the middle of summer with the heat and other conditions 3. Soldiers would get all the food they needed off the land, they would "Live off the land" 4. They thought that the Belgium's and BEF (British Expeditionary Force) would be a pushover if they resisted. These are only a summary though. I am now going to through the plan and point out which bits made the stalemate occur. On the 4th August Germany put the Schlieffen Plan into action and attacked Belgium. The first resistance they came up against was the fortress town of Liege. The Germans tried to capture the 12 fortress' surrounding Liege which controlled the entire railway and main routes the Germans needed. The first German