Unit 4 Business Studies
Unit 4: Investigating Electronic Businesses Introduction In this unit I will be comparing two existing businesses which I will be choosing and in the comparison I evaluate whether they achieve their business aims and objectives of having an online presence. In the second part of my coursework I will be recommending some improvements which are to be made for one of the businesses, and I will also highlight some factors which influence a business to open themselves up to online trading. And finally I will be also designing a new website for a new business and planning the creation of the new website. Electronic business is: "Electronic Business, or "e-business", may be known as a business which relies on an automated information system; today this is done by web-based technology. The term "e-business" was put together by Lou Gerstner, CEO of IBM. The Electronic business methods allow the business to put together their external and internal data together more efficiently and flexibly which allows them to work more closely with their key stakeholders; and to reach the expectations of the stakeholders like customers. E-businesses usually include e-commerce; e-commerce is simple seeks to add revenue streams using the Internet. The internet helps them build and enhance relationships between the business and the key stakeholders being the customers and improve efficiency.
Tesco's organisational structure
Task 1 Organisation: TESCO plc Our Mission TESCO is a company, which is dedicated to professional management of both people and property. They are committed to each other through mutual respect and support. We realize the importance of individual growth in order to strengthen the whole. They invest in the development of the individual through training, education and reward. TESCO is committed to serve our owners, our residents, agencies and each other with integrity, fairness and honesty. They seek a balance between preservation of our resources and realization of profit. TESCO's strive to combine accuracy and reliability with accountability. TESCO is a caring organization that endeavours to exhibit PRIDE IN EXCELLENCE AIMS AND OBJECTIVE > TO INCREASE PROFIT: TESCO 's profits have topped analysts' forecasts, coming in at £1.4bn, with turnover up 11.5% at £28.6bn. Britain's biggest food retailer also said it had achieved its target for emerging markets as underlying operating profits rose 78% to £212m. Analysts had forecast that the underlying pre-tax profit would be between £1.33bn and £1.39bn. Six years ago, TESCO launched a four-pronged plan to drive growth in food, non-food, and retail services like banking and overseas hypermarkets in places like Asia and central Europe. > TESCO expands TESCO has been expanding more than ever for previous six
ASDA's Ownership
Task 1: Business ownership ASDA's Ownership A). ASDA is a public limited company, which is also known as a PLC. An American retailing company called WAL-MART owns ASDA. Its shareholders own the company and this causes the ownership to constantly change, as the shares are constantly bought and sold. Most of the companies' shareholders are generally, old aged pensioners, banks and insurance companies. Before a PLC can be launched, they must have £50,000 or more and it must have a good financial record and, there must be enough people interested in buying shares in order to have a successful floatation. Floatation is when a company is on the Stock Exchange and is then launched to the public. WINES PLUS' Ownership Wines Plus is a partnership and is run by its owners. A partnership can be of a maximum of 2-20 people. The partners of the business share the responsibilities and risks of the business. Usually, if the partners have different skills, this provides the business with greater aspects as a different range of services can be offered and more profits can be made. Also, in some partnerships, there are also some sleeping partners. These are people that invest money into the business and receive a share of profits made but they don't have a say of how the business should be run. Before starting the business some partners sign a deed. This deed is called the Deed Of
Biology Revision notes - Human Biology
Blood Pressure * Each time your heart contracts, it pumps blood into out arteries. * The blood needs to be under pressure so that it reaches all the parts of the body. A pulse - this is the recoiling of the arteries. Arteries are elasticised so that when blood is pumped, they expand and then contract. * The fitter you are, the lower your heart rate is because your heart is more efficient. * Pressure is created due to the blood pressing against the arteries and this is known as blood pressure. Blood pressure appears as a fraction and is measures in mmHg: Systolic: the heart contracts and pumps - The highest pressure on the arteries. Diastolic: the heart is relaxes and doesn't pump - The lowest pressure on the arteries. (mmHg - millimetres/mercury) Blood pressure is affected by: * Weight - being overweight increases the risk of high blood pressure * Exercise - strengthens heart muscles and keeps the heart fit * Diet - avoid salty and fatty foods * Temperature * Alcohol * Stress * Smoking - narrows blood vessels * Inheritance * Age - blood pressure increases with age * Underlying diseases High Blood Pressure Can cause: * An artery to burst * A stroke * A heart attack * Death High blood pressure means that the blood is pushing too hard against the artery walls. This damages the artery lining and allows fat and calcium to build up and form a plaque.
effect of concentration of copper sulphate on the action of amylase to break down starch.
Biology Coursework Abstract In this investigation I am going to explore the effect of concentration of copper sulphate on the action of amylase to break down starch. Copper sulphate is a very common chemical that can be used in a lot of different areas, but little has been discussed on its effect on amylase. I will find out which type of inhibitor copper ion is and how does it actually inhibits amylase, and also how concentration of copper sulpahte will affect the rate at which amylase works. Aim of investigation The aim of this investigation is to find out how concentration of copper sulphate affects the action of amylase. Hypothesis The higher the concentration of copper sulphate, the slower the amylase works. Rationale There are two ways that we could have consumed copper sulphate. Water pipes are responsible for transporting water, and some of them are made out of copper. Copper pipes can become rusted if there is high sulphate content in the water, basic copper sulphate is precipitated which can grow through the pipe wall creating pit holes [1]. Copper sulphate is also used in some places to treat sewer lines, tree roots are constantly looking for water and organic sources and sewer lines are the perfect site for them. Tree roots will penetrate and damage the pipes which will is expensive to repair. Copper sulfate kills tree roots without killing the tree or
Epping Forest Coursework
Is the height of bracken greater in a light area than in a darker area? Planning: Aim: The aim of this investigation is to see how the height of bracken varies in a light and dark area. A fair prediction can be made that a change in light conditions will affect the height of the bracken. This is due to the fact that light intensity is one of the factors affecting photosynthesis. As light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis also increases which causes the production of food to be greater. Due to this, the plant can grow more as it has more food, and light is not the limiting factor. As a result the height of bracken would vary between these two areas and would prove a very decisive investigation. I would expect the height of bracken to be greater in the area with the higher light intensity (light area). Hypothesis: Null hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between the height measured from the light and dark areas. This would be proved only if there is no correlation between the results obtained. Hypothesis (H1): I hypothesise that the height of the bracken in the light area will be greater than the height of bracken in the area with less light. A significant difference is expected between data collected in the light and dark areas. The bracken in the lighter area is should photosynthesise more and produce products at a faster rate. In turn the
barriers to communication
Introduction I am going to investigate the difference in social interactions in different care settings, which have service users of different age range. For my investigation I have decided to go into an educational care setting; this is Redfield edge primary schools reception class which has got children from the age of 5-11 years olds. I thought this was a good choice as in a nursery there might be barriers to communication; as the children may not be able to speak at a good level. I also plan to also use Capable care which is an elderly residence as a care setting to investigate interaction which are; both group and one to one. I am going to investigating aspects of the care value base, these are: * equality in care practise * peoples rights * respect for diversity , choice * Anti discriminatory practice and absence of stereotyping due to disability, health of mind / physical state or Place of origin * Right to confidentiality and privacy * Support and help. Transmission of values also will be demonstrated part of my coursework these are: * establishing and keeping relationships * getting to know the service user and showing empathy and sympathy * Promoting the person to establish and personal unique identity for their selves. * Indicating awareness of needs (PIES) * Praise * Encouragement to support * Giving the user choice and
Personalism-impact on victims and how Restorative justice conference can balance the interest of victims and the public.
Introduction There are many different definitions of crime. One is as in the current justice system, which views crime as an act or omission that the law makes punishable. The other system, which has been increasingly popular in recent years, is restorative justice, which perceives crime as 'an injury of people and relationships' (Zehr, 1990) rather than merely a violation of law and social norms. Due to these conceptual differences, they take different approaches in response to crime. The existing system highlights the retributive and punitive domain; it intends to establish blame on offenders and make offenders repay their debt to society by punishment. The system is more offender-oriented and its focus is the past rather than the future. Besides establishing blames, it tends to give less attention on future-oriented concerns like how to repair the damages caused by the crime and how future recurrences can be prevented. It has been argued that the existing system places excessive emphasis on the past and is less constructive to victim, offenders and the society. From the restorative justice perspective, crime is viewed as social conflicts within the society. Restorative justice system was designed to restore social harmony and repair the damages of social conflicts. It begins with repairing the harm suffered by victims and assisting the reformation of offenders. It
An Investigation into the Mitotic Nuclear Division of Allium Sativum Root Tip Cells, and the Relative Duration of Each Phase of this Cellular Cycle
An Investigation into the Mitotic Nuclear Division of Allium Sativum Root Tip Cells, and the Relative Duration of Each Phase of this Cellular Cycle. Aim To conduct an investigation into the relative durations of the phases that occur in the mitotic nuclear division of meristematic Allium Sativum root tip cells, evaluating the validity of a hypothesis proposed that states that these mitotic phase durations will be of different. Hypothesis The Expected Results: The Relative Length of Each Stage of Mitotic Nuclear Division Through the process of conducting background research, it has been possible to suggest a theoretical ratio concerning the timing for each stage of the mitotic cycle; "Although the stages of mitosis are necessarily shown as static events, it must be emphasized that the process is a continuous one and the names "anaphase", "metaphase", etc., do not imply that the process of mitosis comes to a halt at this juncture. Moreover, the stages shown are not selected at regular intervals of time, e.g. in the embryonic cells of a particular grasshopper the timing at 38°C is as follows: prophase 100 min, metaphase 15 min, anaphase 10 min, telophase 60 min." 1 These specified times essentially form the ratio that will be used throughout the investigation (dividing each stage in the ratio by a factor of 5 provides the ratio (20:3:2:12), and allow a range of
Law - Resulting trusts
Peter Gibson L.J. began his judgment in Drake v Whipp: "Yet again this court is asked to rule on a dispute between a man and a woman, who cohabited but were not married to each other, as to their respective beneficial interests in a property which they purchased to be their home but which was put into the man's name only. The usual lengthy litany of authorities as well as more recent additions have been recited to us and, as is notorious, it is not easy to reconcile every judicial utterance in this well-travelled area of the law." The above indicates just how frustrated the courts have become with the area of resulting trusts. The years when men did the work and women stayed home and cooked have gone but yet the law still has not changed, women now considered equal as seen in Article 5 Protocol 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights which requiring the law to treat husband and wife equally. This paper will consider the judgments made and reform offered and whether the current general law is adequate. In Re Vandervells Trust No 21 Megarry J. described what a presumed resulting trust was: "The first class of case is where the transfer to B is not made on any trust ... there is a rebuttable presumption that B holds on resulting trust for A. The question is not one of the automatic consequences of a dispositive failure by A, but one of presumption: the property has been