Computer Crime
Table of Contents Cybercrime: An Overview of Computer Fraud and Abuse 3 What is Cybercrime? 3 New and emerging technologies and their impact on personal privacy protection 4 I-Phone 4 I-Pad 5 RFID Tagging 5 The Affect of Computer Crime on Society 7 What has been done by companies and governments to control the problem? 8 Penalties Imposed by Australian Law for Cybercrime 9 Weaknesses currently existing in Australian Cyber law 10 What proposed changes are being or should be suggested to overcome these loopholes 11 Chances of a computer criminal being caught and prosecuted 12 Reference List 13 Appendix 15 Cybercrime: An Overview of Computer Fraud and Abuse "New times bring new crimes. It's a story as old as humanity and as new as the Internet. First came cars, then car thieves followed. Telephones are followed by telephone fraud. Now we've got computers." (Anonymous1 Year Unknown) In the past decade technology has exponentially increased, and along with it computer crime. All new and emerging technologies are being affected by this transgression and this has been creating many problems for consumers, companies, agencies and the government. Companies and agencies have only now become conscious of the fact that their computers are prone to attack. In response to this, new security systems have been implemented and penalties for such an act increased. This
Investigation in resistance in wires
Investigating Resistance in Wires Aim In this investigation I will be looking into the theory of resistance and current in wires; this theory is called Ohms Law. By doing the experiments I will be hoping to prove Ohms law correct, and testing to see if it remains constant as the voltage, and wire lengths vary. Related Theory Resistance is measured in ohms (), resistance can be calculated by using the formula V = I × R V = voltage measured in volts (V) I = current measured in amps (A) R = resistance measured in ohms () This is the formula called Ohms Law. Ohms law is the relationship between voltage, current and resistance. For a metal conductor at a constant temperature the current is directly proportional to the voltage. This means that if the current increases the voltage will also increase in the same proportion. For example: If a cell provides a voltage of 1 volt and the circuit has a resistor of 1 ohm connected to it an ammeter would read 1 amp. If the cell was replaced with a 2 Volt cell the ammeter would read 2 Amps. Resistance is caused by electrons bumping into ions. If the length of the wire is doubled, the electrons bump into twice as many ions so there will be twice as much resistance. If the cross-sectional area of the wire doubles there will be twice as many ions and twice as many electrons bumping into them, but also twice as many electrons getting
An investigation into the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis of Canadian pondweed (Elodea canadensis)
An investigation into the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis of Canadian pondweed (Elodea canadensis) Planning Scientific knowledge and understanding All green plants need to be able to make their own food. They do this by a process called photosynthesis, which means, "making things with light." Photosynthesis is a series of organic chemical reactions by which green plants produce glucose and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water. It occurs only in the presence of light, and takes place in the chloroplasts of green plant cells. Land plants get carbon dioxide from the air. Water plants get carbon dioxide from water (carbon dioxide in the air dissolved into water). Photosynthesis creates oxygen and sugar. Oxygen is released into the air and used by all animals, including humans, in order to respire. Sugar is used by the plant to respire or store them inside their body. The overall chemical equation for photosynthesis can be expressed as: Plants convert the light energy into stored chemical energy. Photosynthesis is possible because green plants contain an energy-capturing substance called chlorophyll. The plant gets its green colour because chlorophyll is green. Light energy drives photosynthesis. The chlorophyll captures the light energy and uses it to build carbohydrates from simple raw materials (water, carbon dioxide and minerals). The raw
Why Did The First World War Break Out in 1914?
Why Did The First World War Break Out in 1914? The First World War was the most terrible war ever known due to the number of deaths that took place each day on the gory battlefields of the war. Altogether eight million soldiers lost their lives fighting in the trenches. The system of trenches stretched across Europe from the English Channel to Switzerland and soldiers faced their foe across a few hundred metres of churned up ground with barbed wire known as 'No Man's Land'. The grounds in and around the trenches were turned into a huge ocean of mud because of the rain and exploding bullets. It was impossible to attack the other side's trenches effectively because they were so greatly secured. Twenty million people were wounded and there was an extensive destruction, which ravaged cities and their civilian populations. The First World War lasted for four whole years and broke out in 1914 due to a number of reasons. The reasons that led the nations of Europe and later the world to go to war in 1914 are complex, and it is impossible to say the war started because of one single cause. There are a series of events, which derived in the early 19th century, which engulfed most of Europe by 4th August 1914. Some causes of the war were long-term whereas others were short term. One reason for the outbreak of the war in 1914 was the competition for colonies between the European
Marketing Management - Swisher Mower and Machine Company.
MBA5009 Marketing Management Group Report Of Case 5 Swisher Mower and Machine Company Submitted by Zeng Min, Bernice Ellen Novidia Adisoebrata Tan Xiao Ling, Linda Liu Bei, Pat Paul Lim Suparto Quach Thi Thu Hien Huang Yue Hong, Sarah NUS Business School National University of Singapore Wayne Swisher, President and Chief Executive Office of Swisher Mower and Machine Company (SMC), was weighing the proposal of a private branding arrangement for SMC's line of riding mowers. He thought the inquiry presented an opportunity but details should be studied more closely. Situation Analysis: Company Background: Established in 1945 by Max Swisher, SMC grew steadily with unit volume for SMC riding mowers peaking at 10,000 units with sales of $2 million in 1966. In the 1990s, the unit volume remained constant with around 4,250 riding mowers per year. Compared with 1,263,000 unit sales in riding mowers and tractors industry, SMC only occupied around 0.3% market share. Max Swisher, the current CEO, thought maintaining a small company image had also been an important aspect of his business philosophy, which led to the good personal relationships with dealers and customers alike. SMC produced limited but differentiated products. SMC's flagship product, the Ride King, was credited with the first zero-turning-radius riding mower. SMC also produced a trail-mower called T-44
"Environmental degradation is neither the inevitable price of, nor a desirable path for, economic development
"Environmental degradation is neither the inevitable price of, nor a desirable path for, economic development." (UNDP, et al, 2005) Introduction Environmental degradation is now apparent on a global scale. In addition to the deterioration of what were once considered free goods (such as air and water), escalating scarcity of natural resources, deforestation, desertification and threatened bio-diversity are now commonplace across the spectrum. There are certainly no reservations over the scale of this degradation, however there is much controversy concerning the apparent environmental degradation - economic development nexus. Many have argued that short-term tradeoffs exist in the form of environmental degradation, for superior long-term economic gains. One of the positions put forward is that environmental degradation is the result and inevitable price of economic development. This viewpoint is based on the Environmental Kuznets Curve, regarding environmental degradation as the 'necessary evil' for achieving 'economic development' and suggesting that environmental assets are degraded in the early stages of economic development, only to improve after some income threshold has been passed at a later point. In the last decade, extensive literature has argued that a direct link between environmental degradation and economic development is too simplistic and that the
Should the MMR vaccination be made compulsory in the UK?
Should the MMR vaccination be made compulsory in the UK? Contents Page . Introduction................................................................................................... 3 2. Science......................................................................................................... 3 2.1 How does immunity work?.................................................................. 3 2.2 What is vaccination?........................................................................... 4 2.3 What is the MMR vaccine?................................................................. 5 2.4 What is measles?................................................................................ 6 2.5 What is mumps?................................................................................. 6 2.6 What is rubella?.................................................................................. 6 2.7 What are autism and Crohn's disease?.............................................. 6 3. Arguments for............................................................................................... 7 3.1 Individual immunity............................................................................. 7 3.2 Herd immunity..................................................................................... 7 3.3 Safety
To what extent does Stalin deserve the title of Red Tsar when assessing his rule in the context of Russian government from 1855- 1964?
To what extent does Stalin deserve the title of 'Red Tsar' when assessing his rule in the context of Russian government from 1855- 1964? When Stalin rose to power in 1929 he claimed to the Russian public that he was a devote follower of Leninism; his slogan 'Lenin is always with us'1 meant that Stalin wanted to show how similar he was to Lenin. However Stalin asserted his power at the head of government much like the Tsars by employing tactics of fear and propaganda. Stalin's personal dictatorship meant he had strong elements of being 'Red Tsar' as he established unquestionable rule, this idea of being a 'Red Tsar' came from the belief that Stalin wasn't committed to communism, as his traditional ideas were reminiscent of Tsarist autocratic rule, so effectively he was a fusion between the two ruling styles. As Stalin wished to portray himself as a 'God-like' figure; this made him an isolated leader who tolerated no criticism, similar to the style of ruling under the Tsars, as both leaders dismissed ministers at their own will and chose to act on their own personal feelings, for example like the Russification policy of employed by all the Tsars, but in particular Alexander II and the nationalistic policies of Stalin. Stalin's government was 'top-down'2, and unlike Lenin and Khrushchev, Stalin was very wary of how much his fellow party members knew. Therefore he employed a
Exploring the genre and style of the Political Interview - Paxman and Galloway interview
Exploring the genre and style of the Political Interview Introduction Politics is an area in society which is accepted as an important aspect of our lives. It governs our country and, as a result, affects how we conduct our everyday affairs. Since the commercial availability of television, politicians have had the opportunity to express party views, promote their manifesto and justify controversial actions. Live interviews have allowed the nation to put forward questions they want answered, significantly progressing the basis on who we decide to vote for to govern our country. These interviews are perhaps most notable on Newsnight, hosted by Jeremy Paxman. Paxman became a presenter of Newsnight in 1989 and has since been a pioneer in the interrogative style used to unnerve his interviewees. This topic is of particular interest due to the nature of the interaction between a representative of the audience (the interviewer) and the politician. In many cases, it is evident that politicians adopt a tactful stance when answering questions in order to prevent perceptions and retain popularity. Interviews often gain entertainment value when questions are put forward that place the interviewee in a difficult stance, and more so when an attempt is made to divert the topic to suit the interviewees position. This is a typical method used in order to gain control of conversation, and
Artificial Cardiac Pacemakers
Research questions : Why is the constant beating of the heart important? What causes the heart to beat abnormally? What are the implications of having an abnormal heart beat? What is an artificial pacemaker and how does it regulate an abnormal heart beat? How are artificial pacemakers implanted? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an artificial pacemaker? What are some alternatives used instead of artificial pacemakers? The importance of the heart The heart is an essential organ possessed by every living human. It is vital as it pumps blood rich in oxygen (received from the lungs) to every living cell within the body and pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs (from the body)1. In the opposite diagram of a human heart, the blue sections represent the transport of deoxygenated blood and the red sections represent the transport of oxygenated blood. The heart is necessary in sustaining the lives of every single human being. This is because without oxygen, cells cannot carry out the process of cellular respiration (the release of energy from glucose). This means that the body cells will have insufficient energy to carry out regular functions needed for sustaining life. Every single cell in the human body is affected by the beating of the heart, as enough oxygen has to be supplied for them to function properly. Without the constant beating of the heart,