The effect of drugs on the nervous system
The effect of drugs on the nervous system A drug is defined as a substance that, when absorbed into the body, alters a normal bodily function. Some are able to do this, as they are capable of producing an array of different effects on the nervous system. The reason why affecting the nervous system of an organism is potentially so significant is due to the nature of it. The fact the nervous system directs the functions of all the tissues of the body demonstrates its considerable role within the body. It can therefore be assumed that taking substances which affect how it works may lead to a distortion in the way your body is run, producing unsafe side effects. The term nervous system is actually used to describe two divisions. The central nervous system (CNS) is the part which contains the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) however, consists of all the sensory neurones used to detect stimuli. The PNS receives thousands of sensory inputs and transmits them to the brain via the spinal cord. The brain will then process this information, discarding around 99% of it as unimportant. After this sensory information has been processed, areas of the nervous system generate nerve impulses to organs or tissue and form a suitable response. As influences from chemicals are able to affect how the nervous system functions, it can be assumed that chemicals such as
Revision Notes. Substances Manufactured for use in Industries. Chemicals, alloys and polymers.
.1 Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid Uses of Sulphuric Acid Sulphuric Acid, H2SO4, has many uses in our daily life. A few examples are: (a) Manufacture of fertilisers such as ammonium sulphate, (NH4) 2SO4 (b) Manufacture of electrolyte in lead-acid accumulators (c) Manufacture of soaps and detergents (d) Manufacture of pesticides (insecticide) (e) Manufacture of plastic items such as rayon and nylon (f) Manufacture of paints Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid in industry . Sulphuric acid, H2SO4, is manufactured in industry through the Contact Process. 2. The manufacturing of sulphuric acid, H2SO4, in industry involves three stages. Stage Aim Stage 1 Sulphur dioxide, SO2, gas can be produced by burning sulphur in air. S + O2 SO2 To produce sulphur dioxide, SO2, gas Stage 2 The gas mixture of sulphur dioxide and oxygen is passed over vanadium(V) oxide, V2O5 (catalyst) at a temperature of 450-500 ºC and under pressure of 1 atmosphere. 2SO2 + O2 2SO3 To produce sulphur trioxide, SO3 gas Stage 3 Sulphur trioxide, SO3, gas is dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid, H2SO4 to form oleum, H2S2O7. SO3 + H2SO4 H2S2O7 Water is then added to the oleum, H2S2O7 to dilute it to produce sulphuric acid, H2SO4. H2S2O7 + H2O 2H2SO4 To produce sulphuric acid, H2SO4 The three stages involved in the Contact process Environmental
How liberal were Gladstone's domestic reforms during his first ministry?
How liberal were Gladstone's domestic reforms during his first ministry? Gladstone became Prime Minister for the first time in 1868, by winning the majority in the government. Gladstonian Liberalism united all members of the party and gave ordinary people hope and optimism to change their future. During his first ministry he introduced major reforms and policies which drastically changed the country, some of these included the reorganisation of the educational and civil services, rearrangement of the judicial system and the licensing act; he was also involved in developing Ireland and her political reform. Some of his policies supported his ideals of the government; however others contradicted his initial promises. Gladstonian Liberalism was based on principles which were to create a stronger and efficient government. Gladstone wanted to give all individuals freedom to manage their affairs without interference of the state and enable them to trade without restrictions. He believed that the state should involve itself as seldom as possible, and should not interfere with the economy or decide what should be taught in schools. Gladstone wanted to create a competent and cheap government with low taxes and rates, and didn't want to invest money in the public sector and instead to rely on private donations. Liberalism supported the idea of promotion by talent rather than
How does Shakespeare create dramatic tension in act 2 scene 2 of Macbeth?
How does Shakespeare create dramatic tension in act 2 scene 2 of Macbeth? Act 2 Scene 2 of Macbeth is a decisive scene in the play as it creates dramatic tension, conflict and controversy. There are many themes in this play: tragedy, the supernatural, love, dishonesty, betrayal and greed. Macbeth murdered Duncan to prove his masculinity for his wife and also his hunger for more power. Lady Macbeth wanted Duncan dead because of her greed and the witches' prophecies influence her. At the beginning of the play Macbeth is brave, content and loyal in contrast to his dark and sinister persona he adapts later on in the play. Whilst the main theme of Macbeth is one of tragic loss (in terms of the death of the King and indeed the loss of Macbeth's mental state), greed also proves to be an influential factor in the downfall of both Macbeth and his wife. It, ultimately, changed their actions and cost them their lives. At the beginning of the scene, Lady Macbeth is feeling confident. She says " What hath quench'd them hath given me fire", this indicating that she is feeling so powerful and inspired that nothing can stand in her way. Despite feeling confident, she feels agitated and remarks "Hark! Peace!" which demonstrates that she is concerned someone has been alerted to the couple's plans and will discover their wretched methods; this sudden feeling of concern contrasts with her prior
To what extent is the oil crisis of 1973 a turning point in postwar economic development?
Chin Ying Lin Olivia (2) 6L 07/02/2010 To what extent can the oil crisis of 1973-4 be regarded as a turning point in the development of the international economy? The 1973 oil crisis was an event when the members of Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) proclaimed an oil embargo in response to the U.S. decision to re-supply the Israeli military during the Yom Kippur war and lasted until March 1974. In this essay, a "turning point" is defined to be a landmark- an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend. While acknowledging that the oil crisis certainly had dramatic and lasting impact on the development of the international economy: in terms of signifying the start of a worldwide shift in power away from the U.S for the first time, bringing about catastrophic repercussions on the international economy and also leading to the formation of the G-7 ; to regard it as a " turning point" would be an overstatement, due to the temporary nature of the crisis, as well as preceding events such as the collapse of the Bretton Woods System, and the continuity of dominance of the US in the global economy, albeit with lesser power than before the oil crisis. All these suggest otherwise: either that other events qualify more as a "turning point" than the oil crisis, or that there remained continuity of
"Asses the successes and failures of Mao's domestic policies between 1949 and 1976."
"Asses the successes and failures of Mao's domestic policies between 1949 and 1976." During the time period of 1919 to 1949, rival warlords and factions struggled to assert authority in China. The two chief contenders were the Nationalists, the Kuomintang led by Sun Yatzen, and the Communists, the CCP led by Mao Zedong. Mao's initial plan was to obtain support from the peasants as the consisted of more than 75% of the population in China. After the four year struggles that followed Japan's downfall after WWI, the CCP and Mao Zedong had won the civil war. In 1949, Mao declared the PRC, Peoples Republic of China. From this period on until 1949, Mao had numerous domestic policies, some were failures and some successes. These policies can be divided into 3 categories, "Economic, Thought reform and Political/social." His optimal goal was to turn China into a super power, a power as powerful or greater than The United States. The focus of this essay is to establish whether Mao achieved this goal with his domestic policies. The effect of the civil war on China was that there was major instability in the Country. Mao knew it and one of his major concerns in order to achieve his goals was to even out this insecurity. In 1949, Mao launched the Organic law which divided China into 6 subdivisions. Each of these were regulated by offices and bureaus, which also included officials. Force
Is Iago The Perfect Villain?
Othello Essay 'Is Iago the perfect villain?' Few Shakespearian villains radiate evilness and jealously quite as much as Iago, the unbeknown nemesis of the play's title character, Othello. In other plays written by the bard of Avon the villains can come across as one-dimensional- weak, personified by a flaw in their genetic make-up or unattainable ambition yet Iago is a far more complex and compelling character. True, he has the power to both betray and murder those he once worked alongside, but Iago isn't the complete cold-blooded murderer in the same sense of Macbeth or King Claudius from Hamlet. True, he meticulously plans the death of Cassio but he plans it to be by hands of Rodrigo, his puppet. In the end opportunity presents itself to Iago and he seizes the moment to stab Cassio in the back but the blow fails to kill him. Iago also reveals a moral conscience through his three soliloquy's which I will explore in more detail later. In short Iago is like no other of Shakespeare's villains which makes him an utterly compelling and absorbing character. And like the other characters in the play, Iago delights in absorbing us, the viewer... The tragedy of Othello was believed to have been first performed in the early 1600's and is one of Shakespeare's more famous plays. The play is also rich in historical context and features the Moorish race heavily, leading many to believe
Home and local area Cette anne, ca fait quinze ans que jhabite a Bath. Bath est une grande ville au sud-ouest de lAngleterre,
Home and local area Cette année, ca fait quinze ans que j'habite a Bath. Bath est une grande ville au sud-ouest de l'Angleterre, qui est située a quinze kilomètres de Bristol. Bath est une ville touristique, et maintenant un peu industrielle. Ma ville a environs 84000 habitants. J'aime bien habiter a Bath, mais de temps en temps comme dans toutes les grandes villes, il ya trop de bruit pour moi! Il n'y a jamais vraiment de calme. Il y a beaucoup a faire et a voir dans ma region. La campagne autour de Bath est toujours belle, quel que soit le temps! On peut y faire des promenades magnifiques, ca peut être très reposant. Moi, je ne les apprécie plus, parce que c'est un peu ennuyant; mais quand j'étais plus jeune je les aimais bien. On peut faire du shopping a Southgate, une construction nouvelle au centre ville, ou il y a beaucoup de magasins comme Debenhams et Hôtel Chocolat. Il y a Stonehenge, par exemple, un site préhistorique pas loin de Bath, et beaucoup de gens souhaitent le visiter. On peut visiter les thermes romains qui sont très intéressants, et uniques dans ma region. Le Pump Room représente l'élégance Georgienne, on peut y prendre le the, tout en écoutant de la musique. Pour les jeunes, il y a un centre sportif, qui malheureusement est un peu daté, mais ou néanmoins on peut nager, jouer au badminton, faire du trampoline et assister à des cours de
¿Cuál es la posición que ocupa Master Mills en la industria?
Diploma en Marketing Estrategias de Distribución Profesor: Hernán Palacios ESCUELA DE ADMINISTRACIÓN Caso # 1 Masterton Mills Integrantes: Mariela Alvarado Macarena Gallardo Patricia Gallardo Adriana Ubilla Fabiola Negron Santiago de Chile, 20 de julio de 2004 . ¿Cuál es la posición que ocupa Master Mills en la industria? Industria La industria de Alfombras y Tapices en EEUU a la cual pertenece la empresa Masterton Mills ha alcanzado la etapa de madurez, lo cual se ve reflejado en los siguientes hechos: * Disminución de la participación de mercado de la industria de alfombras y tapices en la industria de los cubrepisos en EEUU * Fusiones, adquisiciones y quiebras entre 1985-1995 * Disminución en la demanda y ventas, especialmente en el sector Residencial con una baja de 6% desde 1994. * Exceso de capacidad de fabricación. * Escasos márgenes de utilidad. En 1995, 100 fabricantes de alfombras y tapices se reparten el mercado de los EEUU. El 10% de los fabricantes tenía el 87% de las ventas en dólares de la industria y fabricaban el 75% de todas las alfombras y tapices. El otro 90 % de las empresas fabricantes eran de tamaño intermedio, tenían el 13% de las ventas en dólares y el 29% de éstos se especializaba solo en alfombras, perteneciendo Masterton Mills, Inc. a este último grupo. Las ventas en la industria de las Alfombras y Tapices
What is the significance of Piggy in the novel The Lord of the Flies?
What is the significance of Piggy in the novel The Lord of the Flies? The author William Golding uses the character of Piggy to relates to certain themes in the novel. He is linked closely with civilisation, time and the conch which itself represents order. As savagery becomes more intense in the novel, Piggy begins to suffer more injustices and eventually loses his life speaking out against it. Piggy is described by Golding as 'short' and very 'fat'. This has earned him the nickname 'Piggy' in his previous school. It's no coincidence that Piggy's nickname is such, it relates to the overwhelming emotion Jack and his hunters feel when they feel the urge to 'kill the pig'. This indirect metaphor suggests that the boys are killing a part of Piggy each time and that their aggression is directed at him. In fact, while Jack and his gang continue to kill more pigs, the logic and reason which Piggy symbolizes progressively diminishes with the pigs. Piggy's appearance alone has made him an outsider, because the other boys look down on him. He has asmtha and doesn't do much physical work on the island. He is not welcomed on their first exploratory trip of the island. "We don't want you," Jack says to Piggy. It is his academic background and his isolation from the savage boys that had allowed him to remain mostly unchanged from his primitive experiences on the island.