Unit 5-The principles underpinning the role of the Practitioner working with children
Unit 5-The principles underpinning the role of the Practitioner working with children Section 1 E1 Practitioners have the responsibility to maintain a professional relationship with children, families, colleagues and other professionals in a range of settings. When working in early years setting you will be expected to work with other professionals that may be on the same site as yourself or from the community where they will be required to come into your setting. For example if a practitioner is working in a children's centre a speech therapist may work on the same site but is you work on a small rural nursery the therapist may visit your setting regularly when required. When working as an early year's practitioner there will be codes of practice that underpin your practice. These will state how you as a professional are expected to conduct yourself within your role. Codes of practice are not the law but are set out by the employer for all employees to comply with within the setting, and will be relevant to pieces of legislation. Your employer will guide you through the codes of practice set out and they will also be available in your staff handbook. Codes of practice should be referred to and reflected upon frequently as a matter of good practice and to improve your own learning and performance. For example working in childcare you will find codes of practice related
Deducing the quantity of acid in a solution
Sofia Gaggiotti Chemistry coursework: Deducing the quantity of acid in a solution 20/03/2008 Index Aim and Background information 3 Hazards 3 Protection 4 Method 5 Previous calculations 5 Making the Solution 6 Equipment needed 6 Quantities of materials needed 8 Procedure 8 Making the Titration 9 Equipment needed 10 Procedure 13 References 15 Results and calculations 16 Evaluation 19 Chemistry coursework: Deducing the quantity of acid in a solution Aim and background information The aim of this experiment is to find how to develop and determine an accurate, precise and reliable concentration of an acid rain solution. 1 To do this, we are going to make first a solution of sodium carbonate with distilled water and then a titration in order to calculate the concentration of sulphuric acid in a solution. Solution: a solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances. In this mixture, a solute is dissolved in a solvent. Solutions are characterized by interactions between the solvent phase and solute molecules or ions that result in a net decrease in free energy. 2 Titration: a titration is a laboratory technique by which we can determine the concentration of an unknown reagent using another reagent that chemically reacts with the unknown. At the equivalence point (or endpoint) the unknown reagent has been reacted with the known reagent.
McDonald's. What are the Management functions at McDonald's?
McDonald's INTRODUCTION TO McDonald's Mission Statement Mc Donald's vision is to be the UK's biggest, best quick service restaurant experience. Since McDonald's opened its first restaurant in the UK in October 1974, the Golden Arches have become a familiar symbol, now seen on high streets, alongside major roads, on cross channel ferries, in leisure and retail parks and at airports. During 2000, the company bought young people from communities all over the UK to perform on stage at the Dome in Greenwich as part of McDonald's Our Town Story. This explains the History of McDonalds. By the end of 2000, there were 1,116 McDonald's restaurant operating in the UK, representing a total investment in property and equipment of over £1.5 billion. The company employed just fewer than 50,000 people and 18,000 were employed by McDonald's franchises. Today, more than 2.5 million people in this country place their trust in McDonalds every day - trusting the Company to provide them with food of a high standard, quick service and value for money. E1 CLEARLY IDENTIFYING MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND THEIR APLLICATION TO THE BUSINESS A restaurant manager makes sure that customers can come into the restaurant and enjoy the quality food and service they have come to expect from McDonald's. This takes in everything from the welfare of staff through to the performance of the restaurant
The comparison of antibacterial properties of herbal products and standard antibiotics
The comparison of antibacterial properties of herbal products and standard antibiotics Introduction: This is As biology coursework, studying the area of microbiology the main investigation contains the comparison of antibacterial properties of herbal products and standard antibiotics. Aim: The aim is to investigate the effect of herbal products against standard antibiotics on bacteria growth. To examine the extent to which the herbal products (tea tree oil and peppermint oil) and the standard antibiotics (penicillin and streptomycin), reduce bacteria growth of E.coli and M.luteus. This will be discovered by measuring the growth of bacteria on the agar plates and comparing the results. Background information: The proposed aim surrounds the study of bacteria growth and various other products, which can have an affect on the growth rate; it is therefore necessary to look deeper into the topic criteria to get a wider understanding and to help design an appropriate hypothesis. From self-knowledge antibiotics are chemicals produced by microorganisms, which are designed to inhibit and destroy specific pathogens when used at low temperatures. Antibiotics release chemicals, which inhibit bacterial growth and work on a specific action site. The first founded antibiotic was penicillin discovered accidentally by Alexander Fleming in 1928 from a mold culture. It can be
"An investigation into the Respiration of Carbohydrate Substrates by Yeast."
AS Biology Coursework 2004. Lucy Nuttney "An investigation into the Respiration of Carbohydrate Substrates by Yeast." Abstract. The investigation considered the reactivity of respiration of three different carbohydrate substrates; glucose, sucrose and starch, by two different sub-species of saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast. The rate of reaction was measured by collecting volumes of gas in a displacement reaction at standardised conditions e.g. time, temperature, pressure, volume of yeast/ sugar. Results showed that glucose produced the most carbon dioxide, followed by sucrose then starch, the biggest difference being between sucrose and starch. Baker's yeast had a slightly higher average than brewer's yeast but it was not considered to be a significant difference and therefore could have been due to chance. It was concluded that both yeasts respire glucose and sucrose at insignificantly different rates but the difference between starch is much larger and therefore much more significant. Pilot Experiment. Before we could test which carbohydrate and type of yeast produced more carbon dioxide, we had to standardise the other variables of this experiment; temperature and concentration. Therefore, in order to find the optimum conditions we carried out a pilot experiment. In this experiment we used a range of temperatures from 10° to 60°C and
The Gradient Function
The Gradient Function Aim: To find the gradient function of curves of the form y=axn. To begin with, I should investigate how the gradient changes, in relation to the value of x. Following this, I plan to expand my investigation to see how the gradient changes, and as a result how a changes in relation to this. Method: At the very start of the investigation, I shall investigate the gradient at the values of y=xn. To start with, I shall put the results in a table, but later on, as I attempt to find the gradient through advanced methods, a table may be unnecessary. As I plot the values of y=x2, this should allow me to plot a line of best fit and analyze, and otherwise evaluate, the relationship between the gradient and x in this equation. I have begun with n=2. After analyzing this, I shall carry on using a constant value of "a" until further on in the investigation, and keep on increasing n by 1 each time. I shall plot on the graphs the relative x values and determine a gradient between n and the gradients. Perhaps further on in the investigation, I shall modify the value of a, and perhaps make n a fractional or negative power. Method to find the gradient: These methods would perhaps be better if I demonstrated them using an example, so I will illustrate this using y=x2. This is the graph of y=x2. I will find out the gradient of this curve, by using the three methods -
effect of temperature on the rate of respiration in yeast
Effect of temperature on the rate of respiration in yeast Aim: My aim is to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of respiration in yeast by using a universal indicator. Background theory: Enzyme: Enzymes are organic catalysts that speed up the rate of a chemical reaction without being permanently altered in the process. Enzyme Characteristics * Lower the energy of activation * Form reversible complex with substrate. * Not consumed in the reaction therefore they are effect in small amounts * Very specific - (Induced fit hypothesis) react with only a single substrate. * Many need cofactors, such as certain vitamins, to be activated. * 2000+ enzymes per cell, different cells have different enzymes. * Enzymes are produced by genes. * Genetic disorders are the result of faulty enzymes. * Operate best in optimum conditions of pH, temperature, etc. * Are controlled by feedback mechanisms. Enzyme mechanism: Key and theory: The substrates (reactants) are attracted to the enzyme molecule. They join forming an enzyme-substrate complex. The reaction occurs on an area of the enzyme molecule known as the active site producing new substrates(s) or products. Induced fit hypothesis: The attraction of the substrate and enzyme form an enzyme-substrate complex. It was originally referred to as the Lock and Key Enzyme Theory. The current theory
An Investigation into the Effects that Different Light Intensities have on the Speed of Woodlice:
An Investigation into the Effects that Different Light Intensities have on the Speed of Woodlice: Introduction: Woodlice are one of the easiest terrestrial arthropods to obtain in large numbers throughout the year. Porcellio scaber, the most common species is not difficult to identify with the naked eye, and is large enough to be handled without employing special techniques. Their behaviour is relatively simple yet providing perfect examples of kinesis and taxis. i A species, which shows taxis, can orient the direction of their movement with respect to the source of an external stimulus whilst kinesis is a steady-state dependence of the movement velocity on the stimulus intensity.iii Thus it is clear that kinesis will be the important response in my investigation as I am not concerned with the stimulus direction. Woodlice lack a waxy cuticle on their exoskeleton and have a high surface area to volume ratio. This means that they are prone to desiccation. As a result, much of their behaviour is concerned with reducing water loss. Woodlice will therefore tend to congregate in more humid, cooler and darker regions where their water loss will be lower.ii Although light does not affect the physiological state of woodlice in the same way as humidity and temperature, it plays a very important part in woodlice behaviour. Woodlice have a negative photokinesis- they move faster as
Fighter Pilot A Statistical Analysis of Reaction time and its Correlation with Dominant & Non-Dominant Hands
Fighter Pilot A Statistical Analysis of Reaction time and its Correlation with Dominant & Non-Dominant Hands Introduction This experiment seeks to determine reaction times in two groups of matched subjects; dominant and non-dominant hands, using the ruler drop test. Reaction time experiments are performed to measure the alertness of the mind and will give an indication of the speed of the reflexes that different groups of varied individuals have. The experiment tests how long it takes the brain to translate visual information into the voluntary motor commands, actions which lead to a ruler being grabbed. The shorter the length at which the ruler is grabbed, the shorter time and therefore the faster the person's reaction. The controls of these processes within the human body are the responsibility of the nervous system which is the seat of voluntary and involuntary movements along with language, emotion and memory. (1) The experiment begins with an environmental stimulus via light reflected from a moving ruler being dropped from a height above the subject's hand. (1) This transmits into a sensory nervous impulse within the optic nerve. Beginning in the retina of the eye, information is detected by photoreceptors (rods and cones) they relay the visual signals on to bipolar cells which transmit on to ganglion cells. (2) The axons of all ganglion cells in the retina of each
The Effect Of Temperature on the Respiration Of Yeast.
The Effect Of Temperature on the Respiration Of Yeast Introduction: - I am going to find out how temperature effects the respitory action of yeast. I am going to do this by using six different temperatures, 25oC, 30oC, 35oC, 40oC, 45oC and 50oC and a solution called TTC which is absorbed by the yeast cells turning them pink when hydrogen is removed from the metabolic pathway by the dehydrogenase enzyme. Background Information: - Yeast: - Yeast is unicellular fungus that buds profusely under favourable conditions. They are classified as sac-fungi (Ascomyctes) even though they are unicellular. Yeast is common in areas where there is sugar because of this they are given the name saccharomyces (Sugar fungi). They grow on the surface of fruits, in the nectar of flowers, in sap excluded from trees, in the soil and in fresh water. Yeasts are used in all sorts of arrears such as alcoholic fermentation (fermentation is the name given only to the anaerobic respiration of yeast) to baking bread. Yeasts are of a great economic importance and are yeast for biochemical research for example in respiration and enzymes. Yeast exists as Diploid or Haploid cells and divides by mitosis and meiosis. Yeasts are not plant or animal because they do not photosynthesise and they do not have any chloroplast. Yeast is a saprophyte. This is an organism, which obtains its nutrients from dead or