Osmosis in Potato Chips
Year 11 GCSE Biology Coursework - Osmosis in Potato Chips Aim This experiment is to find out how osmosis in potato chips is affected by the concentration of sucrose solution present in the solution around it and also the ways in which osmosis occurs i.e. where the water molecules involved are travelling. Prediction I think that the higher the concentration of sucrose in the solution around the potato chip, the more weight the chip will lose as the experiment is run. I also think that in a concentration of sucrose where there is a lot more water than there is sucrose that the chip will gain weight as the experiment goes on. I think this because in a solution where there is a low water concentration, where a potato chip with a higher water concentration is placed, osmosis dictates that water will pass out of the potato chip (down the concentration gradient), out through the cell's semi-permeable membrane and into the solution. This is how osmosis works. Osmosis is: The movement of water molecules from a high concentration of water, through a semi-permeable membrane into a low concentration of water. In this case, there would have to be a higher concentration of sucrose in the solution to give the solution a low water concentration. This would mean that the potato chip would have a higher concentration of water. The movement of water molecules from the chip into the
Estructura de las grandes disqueras.
Las Disqueras (internacionales): Estructura de las grandes disqueras: La producción musical es una actividad sumamente compleja. Hay que componer las canciones, tocarlas, grabarlas, mezclarlas y masterizarlas, promover el disco, hacerle publicidad y, por último, hay que venderlo. Para poder hacer todo esto de manera eficiente las compañías discográficas están estructuradas en diversas divisiones y departamentos. Las grandes corporaciones del mundo del entretenimiento (Sony, Universal, EMI, AOL- Time Warner y Bertelsmann Music Group) poseen, cada una, un conglomerado de empresas subsidiarias y asociadas, muchas las cuales son sellos disqueros que, a su vez, tienen a otros sellos de menor envergadura asociados a ellos, etc. Esta cadena puede llegar a ser realmente larga, pero en términos de estructura organizacional son los grandes sellos disqueros lo que se encargan de mercadear y vender los discos de los sellos más pequeños. Las grandes corporaciones del entretenimiento están organizadas como cualquier otra corporación: tienen un CEO, un COO, un CFO etc. Luego, cada gran sello disquero que pertenezca a la corporación, tiene un presidente. Por ejemplo, en AOL- Time Warner hay un presidente para Warner Brothers Records, otro para Reprise Records, otro para Atlantic Records etc. Debajo de los presidentes de las disqueras se encuentran los vicepresidentes,
In this essay I will evaluate and explain the Social Learning Theory (SLT), which explains aggressiveness from a behaviourism point of view. The opposite point of view is the biological point of view; they believe that aggressiveness stems from genetic ma
In this essay I will evaluate and explain the Social Learning Theory (SLT), which explains aggressiveness from a behaviourism point of view. The opposite point of view is the biological point of view; they believe that aggressiveness stems from genetic make-up. Together these two views can be seen as the nature and nurture debate; according to social psychologists aggression is learnt (nurture), from the view of the biological psychologists they believe aggression is innate (nature). Bandura and Walters's believed that aggression is learnt through indirect and direct reinforcement; however they did not dismiss the biological views on aggression and said that the behaviourist approach looks at how and when we aggress. The social learning theory has many research study's, the most popular being Bandura's study with the bobo doll. Bandura has children observing a model who interacted with the bobo doll, either aggressively or non-aggressively. The children were then 'frustrated' by taken to another room filled with toys, but they were told it was an error and had to leave. The children were then left alone with the doll whilst Bandura observed their behaviour. Bandura found that children who had observed the aggressive model would be aggressive towards the doll, and the children who watched the non-aggressive model either played with the doll in a non-aggressive manner or
Neurology and Behaviour. Focus question: Is there an increase in the perception and rating of disgust in females rather than males?
QAHS YEAR 11 Gender Differences in the Perception of Disgust Neurobiology and Behaviour Kayla Jackson TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS page number DESIGN 3 1.1 Defining the problem 3 * Focus / research question * Hypothesis * Background information / theory * Investigation Variables 1.2 Controlling Variables 4 * Treatment of Controlled Variables * Control Experiment 1.3 Experimental Method 4 * Materials * Risk Assessment * Method 2 DATA COLLECTION and PROCESSING 5 2.1 Recording Raw Data * Quantitative Data * Qualitative Data 2.2 Processing Raw Data 6 * Statistical Processing - calculations 2.3 Presenting Processed Data 6 * Result (s) table (s) * Graph (s) * Graph (b) 3 CONCLUSION and EVALUATION 8 3.1 Conclusion * Conclusion statement * Conclusion explanation 3.2 Evaluation Procedures 9 * Reliability * Limitations / Weaknesses / errors in Laboratory Investigation * Significance of weaknesses on experimental results 3.3 Improving the Investigation 10 * Modifications to experiment BIBLIOGRAPHY 11 APPENDIX 12 Appendix One: Curtis et al, 2004. Paired disgust sensitivity stimuli and average disgust scores Appendix Two: Disgust Sensitivity by age and gender (Curtis et al. 2004) Appendix Three: QAHS STUDENT ACTVITY RISK ASSESSMENT and PRAC
Plan: The effect of the end product, phosphate, on the enzyme phosphatase
The effect of the end product, phosphate, on the enzyme phosphatase . Plan Phosphatase enzymes release phosphates from a variety of substrates for synthesis of nucleotides, phospholipids, etc. They are found in both plant and animal tissues and can be classified as acid or alkaline depending on their optimum pH. In this experiment an acid phosphatase from potato was used. Hypothesis Since phosphate is a product of phosphatase activity, it may act as an end product inhibitor of the phosphatase enzyme, therefore slowing down the enzyme-catalyzed reaction. Background knowledge Enzymes are biological catalysts which speed up the metabolic reaction inside the cells. Enzymes are proteins and therefore can function because of their specific 3D shape. The active site is part of the molecule which allows the substrate to enter and form enzyme-substrate complex. If the shape of the active site changed, the substrate will not fit in, therefore the enzyme cannot function properly. The activity of enzyme is not only affected by temperature, pH, but also by enzyme inhibitors. These are the substances which can reduce the activity of enzymes. There are two types of enzyme inhibitors which refer to competitive and non-competitive inhibitor. Competitive inhibitor is a molecule which has a similar shape to the substrate, competing with the substrate for the active site of the enzyme and
Explain two specific behaviors using psychological perspectives
P4 - Explain two specific behaviors using psychological perspectives P5 - Use examples to explain the contribution of psychological perspectives to the management and treatment of two specific behaviors M3 - Analyze the role of psychological perspectives in understanding the two specific behaviors Introduction In this assignment I will be explaining two specific behaviors using psychological perspectives. In this part I will be talking about phobias and fears, and OCD. Every behavior of an individual has an explanation with psychological perspectives which makes us understand the behavior in more depth and why the individual is behaving accordingly. There are quite a few psychological perspectives that I have learnt about throughout my lessons. These are behaviorist, social learning theory, psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive, developmental and biological. All of these perspectives explain a certain behavior in a unique way to others, however some can be explained together and others on their own. Phobia and fears This is my first specific behavior which I will explain by giving three psychological perspectives. Phobia is an excessive fear or unreasonable irrational fear. However a fear is an unpleasant reaction when face-to-face with real danger. It could be towards someone, object, place, situation etc. there are many types of phobias which are towards all sorts
Investigating the effect of enzyme concentration on the activity of cellulase.
Individual Investigation Investigating the effect of enzyme concentration on the activity of cellulase Plan Hypothesis The concentration of cellulase will affect the rate of break down of cellulose to sugar. Prediction As the concentration of cellulase increases the rate of break down of cellulose to sugar will also increase. If the cellulase concentration doubles then the rate of break down of cellulose to sugar will also double. Biological Knowledge Cellulase is an enzyme that breaks down the cellulose in the plant cell wall into soluble glucose, cellobiase and higher glucose polymers. Cellulose (insoluble in water) Glucose (soluble in water) Together with the enzyme pectinase, cellulase is involved in the ripening of fruit. It causes the degradation of plant cell walls making the fruit soft. Enzymes have the following characteristic: * They are all proteins * They are catalysts found in living tissues * Each enzyme is able to promote only one type of chemical reaction * They accelerate chemical reactions but remain unchanged at the end of a reaction * They reduce the level of activation energy needed for a reaction * They work in an optimum temperature range and pH The lock and key mechanism is the theory behind enzyme action. The enzyme has a cavity with a precise shape called the active site. The substrate (the key), the compound that the enzyme
Investigation on the size of Limpets.
Investigation on the size of Limpets Abstract: During my preliminary investigations, I established that sheltered and exposed rocky shores, differed immensely in their size of Limpets. Thus I was inspired to compare the size of Limpets on the sheltered rocky shore, Frenchman's Steps. The background knowledge and preliminary work enabled me conclude the following hypothesis; there will be a statistically significant difference between the size of limpets found on the sheltered rocky shore at two different vertical heights. I decided to look at 3M and 6M above chart datum for my investigation, as looking at the profile graph (appendix) the number of limpets was high at that chart datum. Aim: To determine if there is a difference in the size of limpets at two heights in there Vertical range. Scientific Background Limpets are animals that belong to the family Patellidae, subclass Prosobranchia of the phylum Molluscs. They have a strong, conical shell composed mainly of calcium carbonate, protecting the internal tissue, underneath which is a sucker, also known as the limpet foot, which allows limpets to adhere to rock surfaces, as shown in the photographs. Limpets are usually immobile unless they are foraging and so zonation is less apparent. As can be seen from the pictures above, limpets have a hydrodynamic shape so that resistance to water flow is reduced. This
Hardware and Network issues in e-commerce
Hardware and Network issues in e-commerce Introduction This review will discuss the issues and outline some future developments related to the three most prominent forms of network technology, broadband, m-commerce and wireless broadband. What is broadband? A good definition of broadband is: "Broadband refers to any communication technology that permits clients to play streaming video and audio files at acceptable speeds - generally anything above 100 Kbps" (Laudon and Traver, 2002). Typically, broadband is characterised by very high upload and download speeds and most interestingly it is an 'always-on' technology as opposed to narrowband where the user has to 'dial-up' to the server every time they begin a new session on the internet, whereas with broadband the user simply has to click on the internet icon on their desktop and they are instantly linked to home page of their choice. Types of broadband There are many types of broadband access available to the internet user. The most commonly used type of broadband connections made by the general consumer is via cable modem and DSL connections. Cable Modem is usually used by consumers who cannot get DSL connections in their area or who live in a cabled area and is characterised as a shared network service. Internet connection is 'piggybacked' on the television signal received by consumers who have cable television. It
An Investigation into the effect of caffeine on reaction times
An investigation into the effect of caffeine on reaction times and short term memory Aim To investigate the effect of varying doses of caffeine on performance in simple reaction time and short term memory tests. Research and Rationale Having carried out the core practical on the effect of caffeine on the heart rate of Daphnia, I wanted to investigate the effect of caffeine on other functions of the body, and how this effect comes about. Caffeine is a natural pesticide, found in the leaves, beans and fruit of over 60 plants1, however in humans it acts as a central nervous system stimulant, reducing fatigue and restoring alertness2. It is said to be the most widely used drug in the world, with an average intake of 241mg per person, per day according to a Bristol survey3. I therefore decided to explore how it could affect reaction times and the extent of short term memory, as these are two factors involved in alertness. It has a similar structure to adenosine, meaning it binds to adenosine receptors in the brain. Caffeine and adenosine - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Caffeine_and_adenosine.svg - 22.10.08 When a nerve impulse travels through the synaptic knob, opening the Ca2+ channels, it triggers the release of adenosine, which is synthesised and stored inside the synaptic knob. Normally, the adenosine acts as a neurotransmitter when it is released into the