Surveillance in modern society
Nic Nobby November 22, 2010 Surveillance in modern society When we look back the last twenty or thirty years, there had not been any wars comparable to those in former years or centuries. Though, terrorism has become a terrifying phenomenon that occurs in the whole world. Nowadays, politicians are expected to prevent acts of terrorism such as an in New York, London or Baghdad. This issue might be summarized via the following statement: Preventing terrorism, we have to give up a certain amount of liberty. First of all, one can notice several measures that have been realized to increase national security in recent years. For example, biometric data - such as facial characteristics - is recorded on a chip in our passports (Moreover, politicians think of fingerprints being stored as well). New activities like scans of license plates are used to spot criminals. Additionally, people are monitored by cameras or wiretapping more often than ever before. While the Ministry of the Interior likes to expand its actions, Data protectionists strive for restricting surveillance. One should consider the tasks politicians like Mr. Schäuble are faced with. On the one hand, people expect a maximum of safety in their country. As an example, they do not want to be frightened by possible bombers at public places. On the other hand, they do not want restrictions on personal freedom such
Loftus and Palmer
Psychology Objective - Examine the ethical issues in the study by Loftus and Palmer. To debate on the ethical issues in this study. Task 1- Pick any two ethical issues and discuss them. Give examples for each. Task 2- Outline any ethical issues found in the study conducted by Loftus and Palmer. Task 1- Right to Withdraw Right to withdraw means that the participant may choose to leave or "withdraw" from the experiment at any given point of time. It is entirely their choice and they must not be forced into completing the experiment. The participants' reason to withdraw may vary from personal family emergency to objecting to what the experiment is testing. For example: There is an experiment conducted which is taking place. Jane has decided to volunteer for it. This experiment is testing the effect that caffeine has on the brain. Halfway through the experiment Jane feels drowsy and asks to leave. Jane reserves the "right to withdraw" and is therefore allowed to leave. Sophie signs up at a local university as a volunteer for a psychological experiment. However, the next day she discovers the experiment is being held in a different city. She has no available transport and has the "right to withdraw" therefore she takes her name off the list. Equitable Treatment- Equitable treatment is when all participants who take part in the experiment are treated equally.
Not an Egselent day for eggs. Appalling revelations of animal battery farming.
Not an Egselent day for eggs! Appalling revelations of animal battery farming. Last night at approximately 3am, the police alongside animal welfare organisations raided 'Egg-sellent Eggs Limited' in the east of Sussex after a four month investigation of the cruelty and welfare of animals. Nicholas Thrushball, aged 44, founder and director of the company was arrested under the 'animal welfare act 2006' in which it cogently enforces that animals should live in a suitable and humane environment. Owner of this nationally known company was allegedly beating, hitting and mistreating the chickens in his welfare as well as storing them in shocking, suffocating conditions. The four month investigation consisted of hiding and monitoring cameras placed around the site as well as taking hygienic tests within and around the premises. The cameras revealed disturbing videos of the hens being electrocuted resulting in to the bone melting to form the shell of eggs. Also it was recorded that the hens were laying five eggs per week, thats 300 per year. A hen living in the wild is expected to lay 20 in a year and 240 in their life time of an approximate 12 years. Miss S. Ellis, Director of the 'Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' stated after the raid "Its horrific think that the most reputable egg company in the Midlands treats its hens in a way that literally make me
Speaking Assessment - School. Me gusta mi instituto porque tiene muchas instalaciones buenas como un gimnasio
Spanish Preparation for Speaking Assessment The topics for Spanish are: * The type of school you attend * The curriculum * Your school day * A day you enjoyed the most in the past * The uniform Mi instituto se llama Maltings Lane Academy. Es un instituto secundario y mixto. Es bastante grande y antiguo. Hay un mil doscientos alumnos y cien profesores. Me gusta mi instituto porque tiene muchas instalaciones buenas como un gimnasio grande y una cantina muy buena. Para el bachillerato elemental tenemos diez asignaturas. Podemos elegir tres asignaturas. Yo escogí: español, geografía y economía. Me encanta la geografía porque es muy interesante, la profesora es amable y explica bien. Sin embargo me cae fatal mi profesora de matemáticas porque es muy estricta y no me ayuda mucho. Aunque mi profesora es muy estricta, las matemáticas son muy importantes. Me gustaría tener de matemáticas para bachillerato superior. Recibimos muchos de deberes en el instituto. Estoy harto de pasar todo mi tiempo libre haciendo los deberes. No es Justo! Pero en mi opinión, el mayor problema en el instituto es el estrés de intentar sacar buenas notas todo el tiempo. Mi día comienza a las seis, cuando me levanto. Después tomo el desayuno, normalmente tomo cereal es con leche o tostadas. Voy al cuatro de baño y me ducho a las seis veinte. A las seis media, me pongo el uniforme. Me
Analysis of anaemia.
Anaemia Problem Anaemia is a condition resulting from below- normal levels of haemoglobin in the red blood cells. Haemoglobin in the blood is responsible for carrying oxygen to the rest of the body. Anaemia may be due to loss of blood from heavy menstrual periods, from internal bleeding caused by a peptic ulcer, or from haemorrhoids. A healthy person whose diet contains plenty of iron and vitamins can produce large amounts of new blood. However, if your diet is inadequate, even small, persistent losses of blood may cause anaemia. There are several kinds of anemia. Iron-deficiency anaemia can develop in those who do not have enough iron, which is an essential ingredient of haemoglobin. Lack of Vitamin B-12 or folic acid can result in Vitamin B-12 deficient anaemia and folic acid deficient anaemia. Hemolytic anaemia occurs when red blood cells are destroyed more quickly than they can be replaced. The symptoms of anaemia include fatigue, weakness, fainting, breathlessness, and heart palpitations. Aplastic anaemia is a rare disease which affects mostly young men. 2 to 6 people per million worldwide develop this disorder annually but it affects mostly people in the Orient. A variety of associations have been made in the attempt to find a specific cause, but no one cause can be identified. Treatment must be given straight away after diagnosis to avoid fatality. Patients
Berkoff's Theatrical Purpose
What is Berkoff's theatrical purpose? Steven Berkoff didn't have an easy childhood but he escaped this through theatre. He started in small theatre groups around the country, but when he formed the London Theatre Group he become known for combining mime and theatre, and now, also, is known as a playwright. In his plays Berkoff intends to provoke his audiences by showing grotesque images of his characters, and, with careful, exaggerated movement, include the audience in the performance and be consumed by the atmosphere of the play e.g. in the Fall of the House of Usher the sense of the 'House' is created before the audience enter by using a sound-scape and not through a set as Berkoff focuses more on the actor. Also Berkoff's idea of 'Total Theatre' aims to challenge the audience using all the aspects offered by the theatre including athletic actors. He used this style to make the audience more than just on-lookers of the performance and to bring the text to life, rather than just to portray what is written. He would also try to replace things on stage such as props and furniture with the actor's bodies so as not to let anything distract from the actors and what they are trying to put across 'why not make a grotesque throne out of bodies if other materials are scarce'. He goes between using stylized movement that seems almost robotic in plays such as 'East' and the very slow,
OCR G544 - Using examples, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the use of self-reports in psychology. (12 marks)
Self-Reports in Psychology Q1)c) Using examples, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the use of self-reports in psychology. (12) One of the strengths of using self-reports as a method of data collection in psychology is that, if we are to believe the cognitive approach, this is the only way in which we can extract information about the way a person thinks. To clinically interview a person, such as in Ellis’ study on Rational Analysis as a means of treating an affective disorder can provide important information about the individual that otherwise cannot be seen, as the cognitive approach believes that mental processes, or cognitions, are hypothetical constructs and the only way we can establish reasons for behaviour is to ask the individual themselves. Another strength of self-reports in psychology is that you can collect both quantitative and qualitative data from them. With the use of closed questions whereby predetermined answers are provided (multiple choice questionnaires, e.g. a Likert scale), researchers can collect quantified measurements of the number of people who chose a certain answer, like in Holmes & Rähe’s study of Life Changing Events, where the majority of participants rated the bereavement of a spouse/partner as the hardest thing to adjust to on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), giving in a collective rating of 100/100. With open
Mode de vie sain
Mode de vie sain Coucou! Je m'appelle Lucie. J'ai quinze ans et j'habite à Londres. Je pense que petit déjeuner est le plus important repas du jour donc je mange ça chaque matin. D'habitude, je prends un chocolat chaud et du pain grillé avec du beurre et de la confiture de fraises. Parfois je prends des céréales et des fruits pour mon petit déjeuner. Tous les jours, je mange un panier-repas à l'école avec mes copains. Je mange des sandwichs, un paquet de chips, une pomme ou du raisin et un barre de chocolat pour mon déjeuner. J'aime boire un verre de l'eau ou du jus d'orange avec mon déjeuner. Apres l'école je vais chez moi et je mange le diner. Normalement, je mange du viande avec des légumes pour le diner et des fruits ou du gâteau avec crème pour le dessert. J'adore ça! Mon repas préféré est Spaghetti Bolognese. Cet est parce que c'était le premier repas j'appris à faire. J'ai détesté toujours les bananes à cause de leur goût affreux. Quand j'étais plus jeune, j'ai essayé à manger une alimentation équilibrée mais je mangeais dans McDonalds assez souvent! Une alimentation équilibrée est manger la nourriture de le différentes groupes d'aliments. Ce moyen que le corps obtient tout les nutriments que il besoins. Par exemple, protéines, glucides, fibres, vitamines et les minéraux. Je ne mange pas beaucoup de la nourriture industrielle comme
In Multicultural Britain, people from different cultures should not try to live separate lives
'In Multicultural Britain, people from different cultures should not try to live separate lives.' Many people from all over the world have been coming to Britain for over 2,000 years. This long history of immigration has made Britain a very diverse and culturally rich country. Examples of this are evident in fashion, food and language. About 8% of the British population is made up of different ethnic groups; this is approximately 4.6 million people. This essay will be addressing whether people from different cultures should try to live separately or not. People from different cultures should not try to live separate lives as this could lead to racial segregation, misunderstanding and conflict among societies. Those who live in 'parallel communities' are only in contact with their own culture and 'kind' and so live separate lives to others in the surrounding areas. This separation can cause misunderstanding to breed which could lead to hatred and unnecessary conflict. These types of conflict have been emerging from parts of Britain between Asian and White groups, who live in 'parallel communities' and therefore have never had the chance to meet. The benefits of having more people of different ethnicity in one community would mean that it would be a more accurate representation of modern Britain. It enriches people's understanding of cultures and the world, therefore leading
french essay
Mon repas favori du jour est dîner parce que j'ai souvent très faim et ma mère, qui prépare les repas, est une cuisinée très bon. Pour le dîner, mon plat favori est bœuf et des pommes de terre de rôtis parce qu'ils sont délicieux. Le bœuf est très gras mais j'aime ca. Je prends toujours le bœuf de rôtis le vendredi nuits et il s'est transformé en peu de tradition pour ma famille. Autrefois, mon repas favori était poulet mais maintenant c'est bœuf de rôtis parce qu'il est beaucoup plus savoureux. Je ne mange pas beaucoup de poisson parce que je ne l'aime pas. Excepté des saumons parce que je l'adore, en particulier saumons fumé. Quand j'étais jeune, j'ai adoré des légumes, par exemple ; carottes et haricots verts, toutefois maintenant je les déteste. Pendant l'année scolaire, je n'aime pas le petit déjeuner parce que je dois me lever tôt le matin, avant que je vais à l'école. D'habitude, Je prends la céréale ou le pain grillé avec un verre de jus d'orange. La semaine dernière, je suis revenu des vacances et maintenant, ma mère et ma sœur ont décidé que désormais, elles seront végétariennes. Donc, je devrai manger plus des plats des légumes. Dans ma famille, il y a moi, ma sœur, mes parents, mes grands parents, mon oncle. Ma sœur s'appelle Grace qui a dix ans, donc, elle est la cadette dans ma famille. Je m'entends bien avec ma