Scurta istorie a lumii

Scurta istorie a timpului Stephen Hawking 1. Imaginea noastra despre univers Un savant bine cunoscut (unii spun ca a fost Bertrand Russell) a tinut odata o conferinta publica de astronomie. El a aratat cum pamântul se învârteste în jurul soarelui si cum soarele, la rândul sau, se învârteste în jurul centrului unei colectii vaste de stele numita galaxia noastra. La sfârsitul conferintei sale, o batrânica din fundul salii s-a ridicat si a spus: "Ceea ce ne-ati spus sunt prostii. În realitate, lumea este un disc asezat pe spatele unei broaste testoase gigantice." Savantul a avut un zâmbet de superioritate înainte de a replica: "Si pe ce sta broasca testoasa?" "Esti foarte destept, tinere, foarte destept," a spus batrâna doamna. "Dar sunt broaste testoase pâna jos." Majoritatea oamenilor ar gasi ridicola imaginea universului nostru ca un turn infinit de broaste testoase, dar de ce credem ca noi stim mai bine? Ce stim despre univers, si cum o stim? De unde vine universul si încotro merge? Are universul un început si daca da, ce s-a întâmplat înainte de acesta? Care este natura timpului? Va ajunge el la un sfârsit? Progrese recente ale fizicii, posibile în parte datorita unor tehnologii fantastice, sugereaza raspunsuri la unele dintre aceste întrebari vechi. Poate ca într-o zi aceste raspunsuri vor parea tot atât de evidente ca si miscarea pamântului

  • Word count: 50000
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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Research into Function and Design of Theatres.

CHAPTER 4 Project Profile Analysis 4.1 Historical Background 4.1.1 History of theatre and performing arts in the world The history of performing arts goes back thousands of years. Highlights of the important events are that, first, Greeks embraced the concept of drama and wrote plays to be performed. Standing out among the best are the plays written by Sophocles. It is also believed that there were performing artists in parts of China at around the same time. Elements of music have been found across all civilizations throughout history. Many of the performing arts stopped in the years after the fall of the Roman Empire. The Christians, who had stopped all public performances, started allowing them again sometime after 900 to celebrate Easter. The new performing art type of ballet was introduced in Italy around the 1500s. A century later, Shakespeare's plays were being performed. Romeo and Juliet became the first Shakespeare play to be performed in America. Later in 20th century brought modern technology to the performing arts with innovations in film and television. Theater probably arose as a performance of ritual activities that did not require initiation on the part of the spectator. Introduced by the Romans, the first building used for theatrical performances were Amphitheatres who copied theatres from ancient Greece. These were semi-circular structures, constructed

  • Word count: 15472
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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Structure: Form Vs Function

STRUCTURE: FORM VS FUNCTION By Danielle Cove Senior Thesis 5/10/02 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 2 INTRODUCTION 4 3 STRUCTURES 5 3.1 FUNCTION AND STRUCTURE 5 3.2 ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 5 4 BUILDING CODES 5 5 LOADS 5 5.1 STATIC LOADS 5 5.1.1 Dead Loads 5 5.1.2 Live Loads 5 5.2 DYNAMIC LOADS 6 5.2.1 Impact Loads 6 5.2.2 Earthquake Loads 6 Richter Scale 6 5.2.3 Thermal and Settlement Loads 6 5.2.4 Resonance 7 5.3 WIND LOADS 7 5.3.1 Wind Drift 8 6 MATERIALS 8 6.1 STEEL 8 6.2 REINFORCED CONCRETE 8 6.3 PLASTICS 8 6.4 FORCES ON MATERIALS 9 6.4.1 Tension and Compression 9 Yield Stress 9 The Law of Least Work 9 6.4.2 Elasticity and Plasticity 9 Elasticity 9 Linearly Elastic 10 Plasticity 10 Brittle 10 Temperature 10 6.4.3 Safety 10 Safety Factors 10 7 BEAMS AND COLUMNS 11 7.1 NEWTON'S LAWS 11 7.1.1 Equilibrium 11 7.2 TRANSLATIONAL EQUILIBRIUM 11 7.3 ROTATIONAL EQUILIBRIUM 11 7.4 BEAM ACTION 11 7.4.1 Moment if Inertia 12 7.5 SHEAR 12 7.6 BUCKLING 13 8 TRUSSES 13 9 DOMES AND DISHES 13 9.1 STRUCTURE OF DOME 13 9.2 MODERN DOMES 13 9.3 HANGING DISH 13 0 FORM-RESISTANT STRUCTURES 14 0.1 GRIDS AND FLAT SLABS 14 0.2 STRENGTH THROUGH FORM 14 0.3 CURVED SURFACES 14 0.4 BARREL ROOFS AND FOLDED PLATES 15 0.5 SADDLE ROOFS 15 0.6 COMPLEX ROOFS 15 1 SKYSCRAPERS 15 1.1

  • Word count: 11570
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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How could materials, renewable technologies and adapted processes be used in future sustainable housing?

Gabriella Azanu S7 ________________ Table of Contents Introduction The Project Within the Wider Context of Climate Change BedZED Context and history Description of features Processes Technology Materials Greenwich Millennium Village Context and History Description of Features Processes Technology Materials Evaluation Comparison of BedZED and GMV My Proposal for a Sustainable House Processes Technology Materials Bibliography Introduction The Project Sustainable development has become a concern for governments all over the world, with places such as the United Kingdom, putting legislation in place to try and lessen the impact certain sectors of industry have on the environment. One of the areas where governments have felt changes could be made, has been the housing industry. Of the changes, most importantly has been the issue of improving the sustainability of existing and new housing stock, the latter being the focus of this report. To improve new sustainable housing, we need to look back at past sustainable housing projects to not only see what they have achieved, but also where they could have done better or where they have run into issues and problems. Therefore, in this

  • Word count: 10856
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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Tehran is the capital and largest city of Iran and is also the most populous city in the Middle East

Tehran is the capital and largest city of Iran and is also the most populous city in the Middle East. Tehran is one of the world's most fascinating cities located on the slopes of the Alborz Mountains Chain at an elevation of about 1210 m. The Damaavand Peak (5671 m high) can be seen from every point of the city. A unique civilization and Islamic heritage that has flourished for over 25 centuries offers to visitors a distinct charm of oriental traditions. Tehran is also the capital of Iran with residents numbering well over 10 million, occupying about a sixth of the total population of Iran. All the main stream of politico-economical and cultural activities runs into and out of Tehran, which makes it a very colourful city encompassing a variety of elements. Tehran is a metropolis where roads and cultures come together. Palaces in the north and centre of downtown Tehran provide an opportunity to relive great moments in the city's history and to expose the visitor to a rich architectural heritage. Downtown Tehran is rich in exclusive shops, bazaar, galleries and museums. The bustling northern part of the city is alongside the fantastic natural setting of magnificent mountains and the spectacular Damaavand Peak. Tehran, located in the northern part of the country. Tehran is Iran's administrative, economic, and cultural centre as well as the major industrial and

  • Word count: 9191
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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Renewable Energy in Practice. The Energy Statement for Ashton Green Sustainable Urban Extension looked into possibilities of using multiple renewable energy technologies in order to support a planning application. The main areas are energy deductions in

0th of September 2011 Assignment B: Renewable Energy in practise Index: Introduction 2 Solar photovoltaic technology 5 Solar Thermal technology 5 Heat Pumps 7 Wind 9 Biomass 10 Conclusion 11 References 12 Introduction The renewable energy has been and is still being introduced to the practise to achieve main aims and targets of policies introduced by UK and EU government. The current energy policy in UK is set out in the Energy White Paper and Low Carbon Transition Plan. The White Paper was introduced in 2007 and the Low Carbon Transition Plan in 2009. The plans are led by the Department of Energy and Climate Change. The first mentioned plan (White Paper) sets out the Government's international and domestic energy strategy to address the long term energy challenges faced by UK. The main aims are to cut CO2 emissions by 60% by 2050 with a real progress by 2010; to maintain reliable energy supplies; to promote sustainable market in UK and to ensure that every home is heated adequately and affordably. The UK is committed to delivering its share of the EU target for 20% of energy from renewable sources by 2020. Achieving our targets could provide £100 billion worth of investment opportunities and up to half a million jobs in the renewable energy sector by 2020. 50% of all our energy is used for heating and hot water and 75% of domestic households' energy

  • Word count: 6338
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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Evaluacin Inmobiliaria

MAC Magíster en Administración de la Construcción Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Cámara Chilena de la Construcción INFORME FINAL CASO 1: AV. APOQUINDO - GOLDA MEIR "EDIFICIO PORTADA EL GOLF" Nombre Alumnos: Roberto Advis Jiménez Cristián Fuentes Henríquez Claudio González Espinoza Susana Morales Díaz Paula Recabarren Soto Mauricio Sepúlveda Mora Curso: IAC 3900 Fecha: 20 de mayo de 2008 RESUMEN EJECUTIVO Actualmente, el mercado de oficinas en el sector de El Golf se está tornando crítico por la falta de oferta de metros cuadrados en el barrio, en el cual la tasa de vacancia alcanza a 0.13%, lográndose valores cercanos a las 57 UF/m2. La congestión de este barrio, comprimido contra la Av. Américo Vespucio, ha generado la materialización de algunos proyectos de oficinas al oriente de esta frontera, sin embargo, no han logrado establecer continuidad alguna del barrio. Ante esta situación, el proyecto "Portada El Golf", se presenta no sólo como un nuevo edificio de oficinas, sino que como un hito urbano articulador que logra aprovechar la continuidad peatonal lograda por el Subcentro, lo que permite proyectar la continuidad del barrio El Golf hacia el oriente de Av. Américo Vespucio. El proyecto "Portada El Golf", emplazado entre Av. Apoquindo-Los Militares y Golda Mayer- Hans Andersen, en la comuna de Las Condes, considera la

  • Word count: 6315
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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‘There is no doubt that a drawbridge existed at Farnham Castle.’

Farnham Castle Investigation A GCSE History Coursework Q UESTION ONE 'There is no doubt that a drawbridge existed at Farnham Castle.' A. Would you support this statement? B. Do the sources agree with your findings? Are there any limitations? A Using the evidence that I have seen, I feel thoroughly prepared to say that yes, I would agree with the statement. The architecture of the keep and the records of the Bishop's Rolls convince me that there was undoubtedly a drawbridge at Farnham Castle, connecting the Keep on the motte with the surrounding bailey. In it's current guise, the castle keep is entered from the south-east of the gatehouse, and where currently two flights of stairs approach the keep, and these can be seen from the courtyard neighbouring the entry. From the courtyard the architecture and structure of the stairs can be viewed, and it is this structure which throws first light on the possibility of a drawbridge. As Picture 1 shows, there are three distinct sections to the stairs. At the bottom, under the initial flight, there is original stone work, as there is underneath the uppermost flight. This shows that the stairs are part of the original Norman structure, and therefore any alterations would support the evidence for a drawbridge pit. This is topped with a thin layer of Tudor brickwork, of little significance other than decoration. However, the

  • Word count: 5979
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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Analisis Gestion Inmobiliario

MAC Magíster en Administración de la Construcción Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Cámara Chilena de la Construcción GESTION PROYECTOS INMOBILIARIOS CASO ESTUDIO HOTEL CAESAR BUSINESS-INTEGRAMEDICA ALAMEDA Nombre Alumno : Cristián Fuentes Henríquez Claudio González Espinoza Fecha : 18 de Julio de 2008 Tabla de Contenido . CONTEXTO GENERAL 1 2. CONTEXTUALIZACIÓN DEL PROYECTO 2 2.1 BREVE DESCRIPCIÓN 2 3. VARIABLES DEL ENTORNO 3 3.1 NORMATIVA 3 3.1.1 Uso de Suelo 3 3.1.2 Permisos 3 3.2 HITOS URBANOS 4 3.3 CONECTIVIDAD 4 3.4 TIPO DE USUARIO 5 3.4.1 Usuarios Transitorios 5 3.4.2 Usuarios Periódicos 5 3.4.3 Usuarios permanentes 5 4. FACTORES DETONANTES 5 4.1 FACTORES ECONÓMICOS 5 4.2 FACTOR HABITACIONAL 6 4.3 FACTOR MERCADO HOTELERIA 7 4.4 FACTOR SERVICIOS 8 5. MODELOS DE GESTIÓN DEL PROYECTO 9 5.1 MODELO PLACA COMERCIAL 9 5.2 MODELO DE GESTIÓN INTEGRAMÉDICA 9 5.3 MODELO DE NEGOCIO HOTEL 10 5.4 ESTACIONAMIENTOS 12 6. FORTALEZAS Y DEBILIDADES DEL PROYECTO 12 6.1 FORTALEZAS 12 6.2 DEBILIDADES 13 7. CONCLUSIONES 13 8. REFERENCIAS 15 8.1 DOCUMENTOS 15 8.2 SITIOS DE INTERNET 15 CASO DE ESTUDIO HOTEL CAESAR BUSINESS- INTEGRAMEDICA ALAMEDA . Contexto General El proyecto en estudio se encuentra emplazado en la esquina norponiente del cuadrante limitado por las calles Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins por

  • Word count: 5123
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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Post-industrial Meccas and the phenomenon of urban exploration.

POST-INDUSTRIAL MECCAS AND THE PHENOMENON OF URBAN EXPLORATION: Joseph Bloor December 31st 1997 Buffalo New York State U.S.A The grand plans for a Paris Boulevard stretching between Buffalo Central Station and Buffalo City Hall failed, and for the last 25 years the Rail Terminal stands empty. Still as imposing as it's nearest metaphysical neighbour, Grand Central in New York City, but a ghost of what it once must have been. Merciless scrap merchants and peddlers, together with the unwanted attention lavished by the vandals of a city in the midst of an industrial and economic post mortem have stripped the decaying monolith bare. The planned street stretches two miles out from the city centre and leads to an off axis asphalt plaza in front of the station. It is not a place we should be, even within the relative safety of an automobile. The only signs of life in the empty lots are the glowing oilcans, burning trash and warming a large but invisible homeless population. The street is deserted save for the shadows of a criminal element that are etched into the bare brick walls of abandoned townhouses and failing businesses. The plaza itself has more potholes than 'The Beetles' "Blackburn Lancashire" featured in "Day in the Life"1; upturned concrete flooring slabs and abandoned vehicles dotted like fireflies force the approach into a pitfall picturesque detour. The main

  • Word count: 5104
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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