Comparison of ‘a Terribily Strange Bed’ and ‘the Whole Town’s Sleeping’, Considering How the Authors Create Tension and Suspense

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English Coursework                 Wider Reading Essay         01/05/2007

Comparison of ‘A TERRIBILY STRANGE BED’ and ‘THE WHOLE TOWN’S SLEEPING’, considering how the authors create tension and suspense

In short stories, they often make you assume things that are going to happen, as the writer has a limited space to make it a short story. Short stories tend to have a very clear structure- beginning, middle and end. Children are keen on reading short stories, as they are not complex and small number of characters, which make it easier for them to read. Adults also like reading them because they are compact and engaging.

‘A Terribly Strange Bed’ and ‘The Whole Town’s Sleeping’ are both classified as horror that the writers ensure the readers will have a horrific moment during the story.

Both stories have a similar theme of expressing tension but are subtly different.

‘A Terribly Strange Bed’ is a pre- twentieth century short story, which was written by Wilkie Collins. It is about a young man who finished college in Paris and he likes taking new adventure. ‘The Whole Town’s Sleeping’ by Ray Bradbury, is a more modern story. It is about a middle-age single woman who wants to take risks.

The two stories have many similarities although they were written in completely different eras. The main characters in both of the stories have their similarities, they both have the confidence to take risks and are independent. Lavinia in ‘The Whole Town’s sleeping’ said, “ I’m just not afraid, and I’m curious.” They both are set in the same situation where they would not listen to their friends’ advice. When her friend Francine tried to persuade Lavinia to stay for a night, she said “ No thanks.”

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The roles of friends in both of the stories are extremely important. These people always give advice to the main characters, but they never listen to them and lead to a tragic ending. This is shown in ‘The Whole Town’s Sleeping’ when Lavinia’s friend Francine asks her to stay at her house that night, in case anything happen. But Lavinia chooses not to, as she is a risk seeker. Where once again shown her confidence. This also helped to show clearer personality of the main character and built up suspense.

The main contrast in both stories is the ...

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