In order to achieve successful sustainable development in the construction industry, environmental responsibility, economical profitability and social awareness have to be well balanced and more impotantly, engineers always have to be aware of environment

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In the past, the main object of construction industry was how to achieve our needs with efficient cost, materials, time, etc. For example, if domestic building is built, providing what we need, such as light, water supply, heating system, etc. within the acceptable cost range, was the only things that to be concerned. However, since industrial revolution, exploded construction industry led the many problems on environment. Huge increasing on consumption of natural resources emitted significant amount of CO2, and this emission was the main causes of global warming. Moreover, depletion of ozone layer, acid rain, smog, biodiversity loss and eutrophication were come out as another environmental issues. These environmental impacts have gradually increased and people started to think how to reduce the environmental impact with fulfil our needs. In other word, how to balancing between the environmental, economical social needs. This is the basic concept of sustainable development.

Figure 1: Risk and impacts of global warming1

Sustainable development is defined as: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs2. Sustainable development, especially, in the construction industry has become critical. In fact, it is surprising that building related energy consumption is 40% of UK's total energy consumption3.

According to the 2005 UK Sustainable Development strategy, it is mentioned that the following factors can be used to achieve sustainable development4.

Figure 2: Sustainable development factors

In the construction industry, above factor can be adopted in a various way such as Eco House, which is the one of good example that explaining how sustainable development can be achieved by adopting above factors. Solar powered electricity, solar heated water and micro wind turbine will reduce the use of energy and therefore achieving a sustainable economy. Moreover, double-glazed windows, cavity wall insulation, rainwater storage and recycling bin will help reducing energy loss and waste. Following diagram shows the suggested eco house system in order to achieve sustainable development

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Figure 2: Eco House5

Likewise eco house, there are number of factors can be considered in order to achieve the sustainable development in the construction industry.

  • Use eco friendly materials
  • Reduce CO2 emission
  • Improving thermal performance
  • Reduce water and atmospheric pollution to minimum
  • Improving construction method
  • Build in harmony with the environment
  • Recycling
  • Reduce waste

The building regulations in England and Wales 20066 actually covering about energy conservation standards also record of energy consumption have to be kept by the law.

In order to achieve successful sustainable development in the construction industry, environmental ...

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