In the UK and elsewhere there is an increasing trend to locate tertiary activities away from city centres. Give examples and explain why.

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In the UK and elsewhere there is an increasing trend to locate tertiary activities away from city centres. Give examples and explain why.

Tertiary activity can be defined as an activity that provides a service. It includes transport and the distribution of goods, wholesale and retail, office and administration.

The industrial revolution was accompanied by changes, both economic and social, notably improvements in transport, the growth of cities, a population explosion and an increasing need for supporting service industries. Companies and workers, specializing in particular branches of economic activity, needed to buy in services from others. This fed the growth of a tertiary sector, which was concentrated in urban areas where its customers, both factory workers and individual were found. In the UK, increasing mechanization over time, both in agriculture and manufacturing industry, reduced the need for workers. Growing output, higher personal wealth and greater numbers of people all increased the demand for a growing variety of services. This has been reflected in the persistent growth of the tertiary sector.

It was only in the last half of the twentieth century that coal and associated heavy industries lost their dominance. In the world’s most developed countries, great increases in personal wealth have fuelled the demand for consumer goods and personal services. This has led to fundamental changes in the nature and location of manufacturing industries. At the same time a Technological Revolution has occurred and it is speeding up all the time. In an economic environment increasingly dominated by computers, global communications and worldwide competition, companies that invest in research and development, and have the financial backing to do this, are the ones with the best chance of survival and success. Economic activity is so varied, and so increasingly specialized, that the one label of tertiary cannot adequately cover it. Tertiary is regarded as a very broad sector within which all personal, clerical, professional, business and financial services are included.

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The new types of work in the tertiary sector are often equally suited to both men and women. Some of the new services such as telephone call centres attract a high proportion of female labour for reasons, which include flexible working hours and locations near to residential areas.

However, old established service industries such as retailing have witnessed great changes as well. The traditional hierarchy of retailing has greatly changed in many urban areas today. One pattern of retailing is based on people’s willingness to travel to a shopping centre for higher value goods purchased less often ...

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