Some Social and Psychological Consequences of The Longwall Method of Coal Getting

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Some Social and Psychological Consequences of The Longwall Method of Coal Getting

By Giacomo Bareato

The article discusses about the sociological and psychological structure within a mechanistic system: a coalmine. It's divided into sections that relate to various issues concerning mainly the humanistic development within a contained social structure and how it interrelates with a larger scale 'mass' organisation. In coal mines, the workers are interdependent for any part of the process needed to extract the coal meaning that each individual's job was strictly dependant on the job which previously needed to be done in order to carry out the process. Generally speaking, the work consists of a primary work-group that is then divided into the individual or pair, depending on the job. A vast distinction exists between the two phases of the structure: before mechanisation and after. Pre-mechanised structure mainly consisted in craftsmanship and was treated as such. Mechanised structures are similar to the nowadays assembly lines in which specific jobs are strictly assigned in order to minimize the costs on labour and maximise output. This article expresses views on both structures and how social and psychological characteristic differences in both interrelate with the output produced within the structure.
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As noted above, this organisational structure can be divided into two structures, one of which is the succession of the other. The first one is the pre-mechanised structure, better known as 'hand got mining'. In this structure, the workers have full autonomy on their choices of work. This includes also the choice of workmanship that creates an ideal environment for everyone. The individuals are able to carry out different jobs in a rotational succession that eases the stress caused by a strict single job. Their autonomy clarifies the fact that there is no superior control, even given by ...

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