Neil Morbey, PLYMOUTH, 11/08/82

What is a city? Short essay.

When I think of a city, I get the image of the city centre. A mass of buildings, roads, people and jobs. If I were to start to describe it, that is how I’d start. It is a place where people live, work, play, travel to and generally do things.

I think the dictionary states that a city must have a cathedral to be classed as a city. But I think a city is not just defined by it’s architecture and physical form. That is just one part of it:  Every city has character- defined by the architecture of the buildings, the density of them, the skyline, the open spaces, the green areas and the colours and textures used. Using these recognisable characteristics anyone could point and tell you “that is what a city is” but then a city is much more.

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The others are the things that make up a city are less tangible and harder to describe.

For a start a city would be nothing without people to live in it. This is one thing that shapes the city. People and the activities they carry out, also the intensity of these activities.

This is where a city becomes a civilisation and a society. We live in a society that is linked together. Our society is linked through networks and cities act as the hub of these networks. Trade is one of the main networks. Commercial trade within ...

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