A study to show the physiological and psychological factors of joining a health and fitness club

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A study to show the physiological and psychological factors of joining a health and fitness club


This experiment was conducted in order to find the physiological and psychological effects of joining a health and fitness club. Three hypotheses’s were studied and investigated. They were ‘Males are fitter than females,’ ‘Older people will visit the health club more,’ and ‘There will be a link between self-image and depression.’ Tests conducted were the coopers twelve minute run to test for vo2 max, Goldberg’s depression test, and the egoschool self awareness test. There was also a tally to see how many times older people visit the health club compared to younger people. It was found that males are fitter than females, older people don’t visit the health club more than younger people, and that there is a link between self-image and depression.


This study was performed in order to investigate the physiological and psychological effects of joining a health and fitness club. Three hypotheses’ were looked at during the study to investigate this.

People join health clubs for many different reasons. Reasons include, to improve the way we look, to increase self confidence, and for social factors. The main reason however is usually to improve ones fitness.

Fitness can be defined by using vo2 max, which in turn can be defined as ‘The maximum rate at which oxygen is consumed during a progressive exercise test to exhaustion.’ (Davis, Bull, Roscoe 2000) Individual’s vo2 max can vary significantly. A trained individual’s oxygen consumption will be much less than that of an untrained individual if they both did the same exercise. An individual’s vo2 max depends on the capacity of that particular person’s cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is said that the cardiovascular capacity determines vo2 max, which in turn determines fitness.

All individual’s and groups of people will have different fitness levels. Two different groups which generally have great physiological differences are men and women.

At a young age girls mature earlier than boys, which means that girls are generally physically stronger than boys during their early life. One of the reasons for this is that girls reach puberty between the age of ten and thirteen, whereas boys don’t reach puberty until the age of twelve to fifteen. This explains why girls are usually more physically stronger and skilled than boys at this young age. However, after puberty it is usually men who are physically stronger. This is because during puberty males grow for longer, to be precise 10% taller and 17% heavier. Also, muscle mass grows greatly in males during puberty. Once adolescence has been reached, the average male is stronger and bigger than the average women. Males also have larger hearts which gives them a greater oxygen transport capacity. Males also have higher haemoglobin content, which gives them a higher oxygen carrying capacity. (Brooks, Fahey, White, and Baldwin 2000) All these facts lead to one of this studies hypothesis’s which is ‘males will be fitter than females.’  

The next hypothesis looked at in this study involved the different age groups visiting the health club. Ageing is something that happens to everyone, and it is something that contributes largely to deteriorating an individual’s physiological capacity. Ageing contributes to this deteriorating physiological capacity in many different ways. One physiological factor of ageing is an increase in resting pulse due to decrease in stroke volume. A reduction in cardiac muscle fibre size also causes an increase in resting heart rate and a reduced maximum heart rate. This in turn causes a reduction in maximal cardiac output and hence vo2 max leading to a reduced capacity to deliver oxygen to muscle sites at maximal effort. A person’s vo2 max declines at a rate of 10% per decade, starting in late teens, for inactive males and females. Another physiological factor of ageing is that heart rate recovers slower due to an oxygen debt taking longer to remove than in younger people due to a lower rate of blood-flow, and hence a lower oxygen carrying capacity to working muscles. There is also a reduction in lung capacity.

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The population is older than ever before due to life expectancy being at an all time high. This means that there are many older people involved in exercise. It has been stated that leading causes of death are related to lifestyle, therefore many take up exercise in a belief it will keep them healthier for longer. This is because exercise helps keeps the body healthier and younger. The main physiological factors of exercise on ageing are that exercise gives an individual improved pulmonary functioning, improved cardiovascular functioning, maintenance of strength and hypertrophy, reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduced risk of ...

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