A study was conducted to examine the motivation and impact of group-based emotions in modern society. The researchers conducted four different studies on members of the Israeli nation

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General Psychology

A study was conducted to examine the motivation and impact of group-based emotions in modern society. The researchers conducted four different studies on members of the Israeli nation where. Many Israelis feel melancholy on Memorial Day despite whether or not the individual has experienced direct remorse ensuing from warfare or terrorist attacks (Porat et al., 2016). In the first study, the researchers investigated whether or not those individuals who had a greater need to experience a sense of togetherness were a little more likely to have a sense of group-based sorrow on Memorial Day.

It was explained to the participants that the survey was looking at attitudes and feelings around Memorial Day. (Porat et al., 2016) These participants were provided with a questionnaire where they were asked to express their opinion on whether their motivation to feel remorse on Memorial Day was instrumental in making them feel like part of the larger Israeli society. In the second study, students were encouraged to participate in two experiments that appeared to have no connection to one another to conceal the researchers' intention and provide the basis for unbiased results. In the second study, the researchers wanted to investigate Israelis' perspectives and feelings toward contentious issues in Israeli social discourse.

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Numerous concerns about religiosity, political orientation, age, gender, and other coverable were investigated in these experiments. Researchers concluded that individuals would adopt the feelings of a group to strengthen their sense of belonging to that unit. 

        Individuals are said to be conforming when they alter their behavioral responses to be more in line with an anticipated pattern. In a social group, a majority of individuals are likely to conform to the point of view that they do not necessarily find true personally, but they find appealing to the majority in the group. Either a need for social acceptability or a need ...

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