Compare and contrast different parenting styles. Is there a best parenting style?

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Compare and contrast different parenting styles. Is there a “best” parenting style?

From a nurturing but indulgent parent to an over controlling and repressive one, each different parenting style influences the development of the child throughout life. Baumrinds research on the conceptualization of parenting styles, as well as the subsequently research made by her peers, allow us to and differentiate the levels of efficiency according to: (1) acceptance and involvement in the child’s life, by creating emotional bonds and being involved on their life; (2) autonomy granting which, encourage independence, and (3) behavioral control of the child through a set of conduct and expectations which, depending on the level might promote mature behaviour. This essay will attempt to demonstrate the main similarities and differences between the four types of parenting – authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and uninvolved, according to: acceptance and involvement; autonomy granting and behavioral control. Furthermore this essay will attempt to show which of the four parenting styles is considered to be the best.

Both authoritative and permissive approaches are warm, nurturing and have a high acceptance and involvement level. The authoritative parent strive to establish a positive relationship with the child, leading to enhance the child’s emotional safety allowing the child to feel comfortable to express their feelings without fear of judgment. (Turner, Chandler & Heffer, 2009). The permissive parent is warm and responsive to the child’s needs; they interact with their child and listen to them. In some cases the permissive parent is seen as an indulgent parent, since it offers him self as a resource for the children to use it as they see fit (Baumrind, 1966). This type of child rearing at times can be either overindulgent or inattentive thus, children may become impatient and overdemanding (Berk, 2017).

In contrast both, authoritarian and uninvolved parenting styles are cold and low in acceptance and involvement. The authoritarian parenting style is not effective in establishing communication and bond between the parent and the child. Primarily because it does not provide feedback and thus, the child will not have a chance to communicate its needs, or opinions. This type of parenting also supports the idea that the child should stay in his place and accept an adult’s decisions without questioning, consequently the child might feel like his opinion is unwanted or not important (Berk, 2017). The uninvolved parenting style is distant and indifferent, often caused by the parent’s reaction towards stress, concern about life’s problems and depression, which as a result leads to detachment. This type of parenting has little time or energy for their children and exhibit indifference to the child’s needs. This causes the child to develop low self-esteem due to lack of attention, depression, and antisocial behaviour. (Darling & Steinberg, 1993)

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Both authoritative and permissive parenting styles approaches encourage child autonomy, by promoting the ability to act and think by him/herself, and to be independent. This autonomy granting varies in independence level between the two child rearing styles. The authoritative parent encourages the child to act with maturity giving reasons for their expectations; as a result the child listen and tries to understand what is expected of her and why. Consequently the child feels heard, and therefore feels inclined to respect his/her parents; also this type of communication helps the child to develop critical thinking. The authoritative parents take conflict ...

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