Compare and contrast the labelling perspective and rational choice theory.

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Compare and contrast the labelling perspective and rational choice theory.


The extent to which formal sanctions have some bearing on the behaviour of offenders is a focal point of both rational choice theory and labelling perspectives (Baumer, Wright Kristinsdottir & Gunnlaugsson, 2002).

Specific deterrence models generally posit that as the severity, certainty, and swift ness of sanctions increase, which in turn reduces re-offending (Gibb, 1975) (Baumer, Wright Kristinsdottir & Gunnlaugsson, 2002).

In contrast the labelling theory predicts that formal sanctions increase reoffending by promoting a criminal self concept (Baumer, Wright Kristinsdottir & Gunnlaugsson, 2002).

While deterrence and labelling theories are traditionally have been viewed in opposition to one another (Liska and Messner, 1999) recent theoretical contributions have integrated concepts from these and other theories (Baumer, Wright Kristinsdottir & Gunnlaugsson, 2002).


Although both perspectives are considered **to be concerning themselves with agency, or individual action, they go about this task in very different ways. Labelling perspective seek to understand the 'meaning' in human behaviour (Young, 1981:286). Whereas rational choice perspective in seeks to understand and control human behaviour (1).
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Labelling perspective initially emerged in the 1960's and early 1970's (Young, 1981:286; Lilly, Cullen & Ball, 2002:105). This perspective was greatly influenced by the libertarian currents which were widespread within western capitalist societies at this time (Young, 1981:286). In contrast the rational choice theorists were influenced by the politics of control. Within the 1980's and 1990' many old theories were revitalised in a period of rising conservatism, which represented principles of individual responsibility, yet often turned a blind eye to social circumstances (Lilly, Cullen & Ball 2002:201).


Rational choice This earlier approach is ...

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