Describe the major pathways and transformations involved in the atmospheric transport of Sulphur, produced as SO2 in combustion processes. Outline the major impacts of SO2 upon plants.

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Describe the major pathways and transformations involved in the atmospheric transport of Sulphur, produced as SO2 in combustion processes. Outline the major impacts of SO2 upon plants.

Sulphur is an essential nutrient for normal plant growth and development. The primary source of Sulphur is from the soil in the form of sulphate (SO42-), which is taken up by the roots and translocated to the leaves where most of it is reduced and assimilated into organic sulphur compounds. An important primary source of sulphur can be found in the atmosphere. 15 molecular species of Sulphur are found in the atmosphere, according to Berresheim et al (1995). Plants unable to acquire all the sulphur they need from the soil are able to use SO2 from the atmosphere or other volatile compounds such as H2S.When more SO2 is taken up from the atmosphere by plants then is needed, plants are adversely effected. SO2 is considered the most important phytotoxic molecule.

Originally most sulphur combustion was carried out in widely scattered domestic appliances, increasingly with introduction of Pollution Abatement Legislation, energy generation became localised in large centralised facilities, such as those designed to produce electricity. These attempted to improve the local environment around them by building taller and taller stacks to disperse the gases higher into the atmosphere.  Consequently, gases were spread more thinly, but over a much larger area. Legislative controls on emissions of SO2 have forced the introduction of desulphurisation methods in some countries, amongst which fluidised gas and lime based systems have been used.

SO2 is dispersed from high stacks and its residual time in the atmosphere depends on environmental factors such as humidity, solar irradiance, and its solubility. Highly soluble H2S has a short residual time of minutes, whereas SO2 may have a residual time of a magnitude longer, up to hours. While SO2 is in its gaseous form it is unlikely to react. However, it will, in moist air, tend to become dissolved in water. SO2 may even act as condensation nuceli so forming aerosols. These aerosols from large droplets, making acid rain.

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             OH              NH3 

SO2-----→  H2SO4--→ (NH4)2SO4 aerosol

Close to the source of emission dry deposition is formed. The longer the gas is in the atmosphere for the more likely it is to from wet deposition.

Wet deposition occurs in or on hydrometeor, rain or snow. As water moves through the atmosphere it picks up the SO2 particles. Dry deposition is either the absorption of SO2 onto moist surfaces, sedimentation of SO2 particles due to gravity, or impaction of SO2 as the result of air movement over surfaces. Occult ...

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