Determine whether facial expression is asymmetrical which might indicate that is it processed in one particular hemisphere of the brain.

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This study aimed to determine whether facial expression is asymmetrical which might indicate that is it processed in one particular hemisphere of the brain. An experiment was conducted in which the participants (338 undergraduate psychology students at UWS) were given a task to complete on facial expression and emotions. They were asked to watch 12 slides on a video projection consisting of two faces each, and were asked to note down which face they thought expressed emotions more intensely. The faces were made up of left half of a face and it’s reflection (LL composite) and right half of a face and its composite (RR composite). The data was then collected and recorded and the results showed that the left composite expressed emotions more intensely as studies by Sackeim and Gur predicted. This result implying facial expression is dominantly processed in one hemisphere (right hemisphere) of the brain.

Facial expression is defined as the ‘results from one or more motions or positions of the  of the . They are closely associated with our ’ (Wikipedia, 2006). Kosslyn and Rosenberg define emotion as ‘a positive or negative reaction to a perceived or remembered object, event, or circumstance, accompanied by a subjective feeling (2004, p.390). These two terms relate closely to the research study. There has been an endless amount of research conducted on facial expression on different sides of the face.

Over the years, interest has been shown towards the different aspects of functional asymmetries in the human brain. It has been suggested that emotional processes are controlled asymmetrically by the right and left brain hemispheres. Research done into emotion based on neurological factors has also used facial expressions of emotion to help the understanding of asymmetrical dominance in emotional processes. The interest in some of the research done into facial expressions is partly due to the fact that the right and left facial muscles are stimulated differently by the two hemispheres (Kosslyn and Rosenberg, 2004).

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Results from previous research done in this area have not been consistent. In studies done by Ekman, Hager and Fricsen (1981), it was found that the left side of the face tends to show more expression than the right side of the face, indicating that the right hemisphere of the brain is more dominant. Others have shown the opposite, that is the right side of the face has more intense expressions than the left side (Sirota and Schwartz, 1982). There are even findings of a differentiation between positive and negative emotions (Davidson, 1993).

A lot of physio psychologists have ...

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