Discuss whether emotional intelligence has any additional value to offer psychology over and above personal (big 5 or FFM) and general intelligence

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Discuss whether emotional intelligence has any additional value to offer psychology over and above personal (big 5 or FFM) and general intelligence

This essay will describe and analyse what unique factors Emotional Intelligence brings to psychology in comparison to Personal and General Intelligence.

What is emotional intelligence?

Salovey and Mayer (1990) define Emotional intelligence as; “the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions”. Salovey and Mayer (1990) further state that “the construct of EI refers to individual differences in the ability to process and use emotional information to promote effective functioning in everyday life”. This statement goes against Bar-on’s (1997) definition of emotional intelligence as “An array of non-cognitive capabilities”. This is because generally when people monitor and process information and interoperate other’s emotions a certain element of cognition is required. .i.e. the cognitive system must monitor these emotions.

The variation between the definitions of emotional Intelligence show that there is still a lot of disagreement as to what exactly emotional intelligence is. This point is one reason to question the additional value of emotional intelligence; how can it benefit psychology if no one can accurately describe what it is? The answer is that although an absolute definition of emotion is elusive, measures of something closely related exist. Salovey, Mayer, Goldman, Turvey and palfai (1995), Cited in Curtis (2005), developed a scale which they claimed tested components of the emotional intelligence construct. The Trait Meta Mood scale measures “three cognitive components of the Emotional intelligence construct: attention to feelings, clarity and repair. Attention to feeling relates to the attention a person gives to their inner feelings, clarity refers to the ability to distinguish between feelings and repair refers to the regulate moods and “bounce-back-ability” or the ability to recover from negative emotions.

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Trait EI and Ability EI

In The Emotional Intelligence a Literature Review (2007), Carolynn Kohn, states that there are two types of emotional intelligence; Trait emotional intelligence and ability emotional intelligence. It is further stated that Trait EI correlates with personality measurements, whereas ability EI is related to “coping skills and emotional regulation” and that both types of EI are only slightly correlated with each other.

However its doubters insist that EI overlaps too closely with personality to distinguish it as its own construct, Carretta et al (2003). In particular it overlaps with the main constructs of ...

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