Distinguishing Species of Bacteria

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Distinguishing Species of Bacteria


The purpose of this experiment is to distinguish species of bacteria by cultivating in different media and doing some tests. Another purpose of this lab is to learn the proper techniques of testing for fermentation of carbohydrates, production of indole, activity of urease, production of hydrogen sulfide, evidence of amylase activity, evidence of lipase activity, and evidence of protease activity.

Different species of bacteria can be distinguished on the basis of the carbohydrates they do or do not utilize, as well as the nature of the products formed in the fermentation reaction. (Madigan and Thomas, 2009) Bacteria are able to ferment or breakdown simple carbohydrates to produce acidic, alcoholic, or gaseous end products. (Goldman 2009) By testing which bacteria species will ferment which carbohydrate and what products are formed allows one to identify. (Madigan and Thomas, 2009) The medium for the test is a nutrient broth with the acid-base indicator bromocresol purple. The test tube contains a Durham tube to collect gas that will be released in the medium when the carbohydrate is fermented. (Goldman 2009) Some organisms will not ferment at all, some will produce acid products and no gas, and some will make both acid products and gas. (Davidson, 2010) After inoculation, the tubes are incubated at 37ºC which is the optimal temperature for growth. A negative result for the carbohydrate test is no change in pH(no colour change) or gas production. (Goldman 2009) A positive result is gas produced and a acid production (yellow). (Goldman 2009)  The second test is the indole test. Indole is a by-product of the metabolic breakdown of the amino acid tryptophan by the enzyme tryptophanase. (Davidson, 2010) Another by-product of this degradation is pyruvate which is used as an energy source for the bacteria. (Madigan and Thomas, 2009) The bacteria are grown on a medium containing tryptophan and the presence of indole is detected by adding the chemical indicator, Kovac's reagent. The active ingredient in Kovac's reagent is p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde, which reacts with indole to produce a deep pink colour. The negative result for this reaction is no colur change which means there is no indole. A positive for the indole test is a red/ pink colour. (Goldman 2009)  The third carbohydrate metabolism test is the urease test. Proteus bacteria can split the urea molecule releasing carbon dioxide and ammonia. This reaction, mediated by the enzyme urease, can be seen if the culture medium is prepared with urea added as the substrate. (Davidson, 2010) Phenol red is also added as a pH indicator. When bacteria which generate urease are grown in this medium, degradation of urea with the release of ammonia can be detected as the pH becomes basic and the pH indicator color becomes reddish pink. (Goldman 2009) Therefore the positive result is a pink colour.

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The first test of experiment 19 is the evidence of carbohydrase (amylase) activity. Another name for this test is the starch hydrolysis test. The test is used to find the presence of alpha-amylase. Alpha-amylase is an extracellular enzyme that acts on the 1,4-α-glucosidic bonds of starch. (Davidson, 2010) The two polysaccharides present in the starch polymer are amylose and amylopectin. Amylose absorbs iodine to produce a blue compound, while amylopectin produces a red-violet compound. (Madigan and Thomas, 2009) The starch hydrolysis test is performed by inoculating streaks of bacteria on starch agar plate. After incubation, the plate is then flooded ...

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