DNA and Manipulating Reproduction.

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DNA and Manipulating Reproduction

If 100 fertilised eggs were planted in 100 females uteri at the correct time in their menstrual cycle, only 18 of these eggs would be born.

At a certain point during a female’s menstrual cycle, blisters form within the uterus and mucus is then secreted.  The gene that produces this mucus is MUC1 – the mucin gene.  This mucus and therefore this gene, is associated with breast cancer, which therefore means that a mutated mucin gene could contribute or be a cause of breast cancer.

A normal fertile female has 5.5 kilobases.  Although rare, some females can have just 3.5 kilobases.  This affects the lining of the uterus ultimately resulting in infertility as the uterus becomes inhospitable.

Fertility declines with age, as the uterus becomes more inhospitable. Moreover, many more eggs/embryo’s have severely mutated chromosomes as either a result of a mutated mother egg/cell, or as a result of DNA copying errors as the cell/egg multiplies.  This decline in fertility is so severe that by the time a female reaches the age of 45, there is only a 2% chance of her giving birth to a child after having IVF treatment.

However this is not so with the oldest living organism on the planet being 3000 years old – a tree, still producing saplings!

How the number of eggs in a female declines throughout the years:

At 16 weeks, the female foetus contains 7 millions eggs, however this number decreases as the cells die – apoptosis (cell death).

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By birth, nine weeks, a female baby has only 2 million eggs contained in her uterus.

Despite these relatively large numbers, females only use 360 eggs in a lifetime, although as mentioned above, the eggs a female releases later in her life are much less fertile.

  • One way of combating this infertility in older women is to insert mitochondria from a donor egg into a recipitant egg, which means the cell has/can produce much more energy to divide and therefore develop into a foetus.  However, there seems to be a very serious implication of using this method to ...

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